Principal's Message

Principal's message

Welcome back to school for the second half of what has been a very strange year! Term 2 saw the school transition from the online learning programs which had been set up at the end of term one, back to face-to-face learning. As much as we were so impressed with the adaptability, creativity and ingenuity of both staff and students in creating and participating in a 'virtual' Woniora Road School, it is clear that there is no technological substitute for being in a physical space together. The return to face-to-face learning saw many of our students come back with a renewed focus and some having their best period of attendance and participation. Their were many great events; including our welcome back healthy BBQ, a stellar rock performance by our entirely student comprised school band and the completion of a short film in the Creative Arts club, students gaining high levels in the Premier's Sporting Challenge, as well as the day-to-day learning through Distance Education typified by some terrific assessment results. We also welcomed some new students and families to our community, as well as Orrick our new therapy dog.


This term we are certainly hopeful that we can build on this growth, and that the pandemic remains at a low level. We have a few new engagement programs. Lucy, our Student Support Officer, will be running 'Healthy Relationships' workshops for all students on a Monday afternoon. The program is  focused on giving students the skills and tools they need to build and maintain healthy relationships that promote overall well being. Our radio pre-record (which due to Covid we now do at school - allowing more participants!) will be on a Monday. An external Yoga teacher from Bronte Wellness will be running a session on Wednesday afternoons, and Jillien will be running a Choir group after a few expressions of interest from some of our students. If you have any questions about the program please contact the school. 


Due to the size of our school, we are able to operate in a way that feels very much 'Business As Usual', however we are well aware that we are in the midst of a pandemic. There are still some limitations on our programs, and i intend to keep our community informed of any changes as soon as I become aware of them. 2020 will certainly be a year none of us forget, but to see our students (who have faced so much) continue to rise to the occasion and take on challenges and opportunities to grow and develop has truly been special.


Danny Callaghan


21 July 2020