Digi Tech 

Semester 2 in Digital Technology began with much excitement across the junior school. 


The Foundation classes have begun formal coding using the program ‘code.org ‘which introduces the students to problem solving activities that involve using algorithms (sets of sequences) commands to move through mazes. They are now able to use programs that use passwords and our Semester 1 focus of cyber safety and keeping our details private becomes more meaningful.


The Year One classes have been introduced to the school’s latest Robotics purchase – the very cute Ozobot Evo robots. The students are expanding their understanding of sequential coding by learning how to program these mini robots – firstly by using a variety of coloured lines before advancing into simple block coding on either the lab computers or the schools iPads. So far they have gained an understanding of the components and how the use of colour affects the robot.


Year Two students have moved into creating things of their own using the block coding language, Blockly, and the program base Scratch. Together we are creating a game that introduces them to a range of commands and how to control objects in their game.  Many students will keenly create and develop ideas of their own out of school hours using the tutorials provided in Scratch.