Principal's Report

Jells Park Primary School



Principal:                         Kevin Oakey






Assistant Principal:     Kellie Stewart









Assistant Principal:     Scott Zachariassen



NAPLAN Results are out

Jells Park PS has received NAPLAN results for Level 3 and Level 5 for 2023. At this stage we just have the raw data, but our results look to be excellent. Well done to the students and all the teachers for contributing to this outcome.


The individual student reports have just arrived today. Teachers will take a few days next week to process these and record individual performances before sending home to parents later in the week. The NAPLAN results are assessed and presented differently from previous year (please see the explanation of this under CURRICULUM MATTERS later in this newsletter), which of course makes the comparison of data difficult.


Parents and students are reminded that this is a 'one off' test and is not solely reflective of a child's capabilities. If parents have any concerned or questions about their child's results, please make contact with the classroom teacher.

2 Minute Parking Zone

Once again I need to address the 2 Minute Parking Zone that is either side of the crossing on Petronella Ave. One very important point with a 2 Minute Zone is that you CANNOT leave your car. As the sign below says, treat this space as a "Kiss and Go" area.

TeamKids - Subsidy Update

Please go to the TeamKids page in this newsletter for the subsidy update. With changes in subsidies from the government, Before and After School Care can be much more affordable than you think. TeamKids run a great program, so this might be worth another look for some families!!

Buildings & Grounds

Improvements to our grounds is always a slow process, dealing with Trades and arranging suitable times. Those in the school grounds will have noticed the new concrete near the ELC and the ramp in front of the Level 3 building. We have also cleared some of the space between the ELC and PA room, ready for the creation of our Tinker Alley. 


And some of the hidden things that people may have not noticed, like major works on the sewer and stormwater have been undertaken and there is more to come. As well we will soon be upgrading - roofing, gutters, eaves, plastering and painting, inside and out, and a few trees to be removed and further concreting and guttering are all to be undertaken.


Also soon to go in is the new seating under the shade sail at the front of the school, purchased courtesy of the JPPC.

New Cafe Open

Have you stepped into the Sorelline Cafe and Sweets shop next door to the school? We are loving having them so close for a coffee and pastry. This is one of the school community families, so lets give them the support to make this shop successful and sustainable.

Finally, the Little Things.....

Two of our Grade 3 students, Sophia and Mila, produced a Maths Talent Quest project in which they sold products to the school community, using the Numeracy principles of money, measurement, estimation, etc. Rather than keeping their small profit, they donated it to the school to support our World Vision child, Abel.  Well done Sophia and Mila.




Kevin Oakey


Graduation and special group photos

On Tuesday 1st August Advanced Life will be returning to JPPS to take our Level 6 graduation photo and special groups such as Captains, choir, sports teams etc. Further information will be sent to all families with instructions on how to purchase these photos if you would like to do so.


Have a wonderful weekend.



Kellie Stewart

Assistant Principal