From the Acting Principal

Week 9 Term 2


Dear Parents and Carers


It has been a very busy term with so many activities going on that I know the staff and students have earned their ‘Vacanze,’ school holidays. We finished the term with reports going home on Monday followed by Parent Teacher Conversations on Wednesday. This opportunity for face to face dialogue between parents and staff about the child’s learning is a valued component of the parent and teacher partnership. 


We also had the sprint and hurdle trials at Central Park on Friday 23rd June which are the wrap up to the Year 3-6 students learning about athletics this term. Thanks to the parent helpers and past students Catherine, James and Tom, who came along on the day to lend a hand. 


Thanks to all the students for their great efforts at school this term. It has been a term full of opportunities for learning and personal growth. Of course, the students can only be successful at school with the support of their families at home, so thank you, parents and carers, for all you do. 


Thanks also go to all the OLHC staff for their work this term. The Junior School students have been immersed in  ‘A Bug’s Life' which included plenty of learning about the natural environment around them. The Year 3/4 unit ‘Flushed Away’ looked at the human impacts on the environment, with a special focus on our local waterways. The 5/6 unit ‘Act Local, Think Global’ focused on our ability to impact the physical environment in our local area and the impact of global environmental events. 


Families will be receiving overviews for Term 3 in the first week back after the holidays which will hopefully help parents engage in conversations about what is going on at school during Term 3. We know that making links to the student's learning at home helps reinforce the learning and make it seem more relevant to everyday life.


As we enter the school holidays, I want to remind families that Term 3 will begin for the students on Tuesday the 11th of July. OLHC staff will be attending an RE professional development day on Monday the 10th of July in conjunction with the staff from Holy Trinity, with a focus on developing prayer with children. We will be working with Melbourne Christian singer songwriter Gen Bryant. Each year teachers are expected to complete 10 hours of Religious Education training to maintain their accreditation to teach in Catholic schools. This day, in conjunction with the after hours sessions the teachers have been attending so far, will go a long way towards getting us there.


I take this opportunity to say farewell and thank Mrs Susan Winter, a valued member of our school community who has chosen to pursue new opportunities. We extend our best wishes to her as she embarks on a new journey, and we appreciate the contributions she made during her time with us. We will be working over the holidays to fill the vacancy and look forward to letting you know who we get to work with 5/6 W for the second half of the year. 


We wish Mrs Natalie Arandt happy travels as she heads off to Europe for some well earned long service leave, and look forward to hearing about her travels when she returns mid-term.


Thank you to all the families who have been sending in plastic milk bottles and soft plastics for our Eco Bricks Garden Project.  We no longer require anymore bottles, as we are moving onto the next phase of the project. 


We hope all families will find some time to rest and recuperate over the next couple of weeks. We look forward to hearing about the interesting or exciting family experiences that the students get up to during the holiday period when they return to school next term.





Uniform Shop Stocktake/Closure   

Our retail stores will trade on Monday 26th June 9-5pm and 

CLOSE from Tuesday 27th to Friday 30th June.

 The stores will be back trading on Monday 3rd July.



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Please refer to our School google calendar for events throughout the year.  



OSHClub contact - 0432 212 815