Student news & reviews

Term 3 Nude Food Challenge

With Plastic Free July approaching, the Green Team will run a nude food challenge for Term 3. 


Each day in Term 3, students are encouraged to bring food with no wrap or packaging, otherwise known as "nude food". On Mondays at lunchtime, the Green Team will count how many students have a packing/wrapping free lunch. 


Classes will keep a record of how many students have nude food and the class with the most "nude food" lunches at the end of Term 3 will win an award!


- Mrs Yencken, Miss Giakoumis & The Green Team


Year 3 & 4 CERES excursion reflections

On Tuesday 13th June, our Year 3 and 4 students participated in the Towards Zero Waste program at CERES School of Climate and Nature in Brunswick East. The children had a wonderful time learning about sustainability.


Some student reflections are shared below.


On the day I went to CERES I did three activities. All of them were so fun!

First, Kehani took us to make paper. We used paper pulp. We had to put our hands in the water. It was so cold!

Next we had a stroll around Merri Creek. We saw rubbish on the way and didn't like it.

Last, we touched worms! We have to keep our hand wet to touch.

- Olivia 3S


At our excursion to CERES I really enjoyed how Kehani our educator taught us how to make paper. We re-used paper to make new paper. One of the items you had to use was a decal. At the end I even touched a kangaroo poop. We had a nature walk down Merri Creek. The last activity was the worm farm, I also touched the worms.

- Vicky 3S




I learnt how to make paper out of paper. You can use used items to make a playground. There is no rubbish at CERES because they have nowhere to put the rubbish in. 

Facts only:

You can put the rubbish in the bin. 

Wash your hands before you hold a worm because they need to be wet or else the worm will die.

- Julia 3N


I loved the worms that we held. It was a truly fascinating experience! And as for the scavenger hunt. It was brilliant as well. I thought "I want to start a compost bin!" I totally want soil that can actually grow stuff. Secondly, how did they make paper with poop? It was AMAZING! And that net thingy. Where did they buy it? I worked with my bestie Eleni and it went just the way I expected. Picking up rubbish, that was pretty fun. I saw a platypus basking in the sun.

- Ashley 3N


My favourite event in CERES, was making paper out of paper. Something I learnt was worms have a thing called a saddle. 

- Aleina 3N

My name is Ayna. I'm going to tell you about CERES, a place I went for my excursion. Firstly, my favourite bit about CERES is they recycle ropes, tyres and fallen wood and they make it into a park! My favourite activity at CERES was the nature walk because it helps the environment. At the end they gave us a gift - it was TRASH. They do not have a single bit of trash in CERES.

- Ayna 3N


Grace 4H



Aarna 4H

PBL Stars of the Week

Congratulations to the students who have recently received a PBL Star of the Week Award for great work and demonstrating our school values.


Awarded Friday 9th June

Prep K - Nathan

Prep C - Markus

1R - Jackie

1E - Nimmrit

2Q - Leo

2U - Emily and Kai

3S - Olivia

3N - Michelle

4D - Andrea

4H - Irene

5/6L - Yashika

5/6S - Sheldon

5/6G - Aaryan

5/6D - Methindu