Leadership Report

Thursday 22 June


Dear Parents, Students and Friends,

Term 2 Thank you

Whilst a shorter term, Term 2, it has certainly been eventful and enjoyable. I would like to thank everyone, students, staff and parents for your efforts throughout the Term 2 and hope you all enjoy a break from the school routine during the next fortnight.


I will be taking some Long Service Leave at the start of Term 3 and will be heading overseas. I am very fortunate to be heading to Europe for the very first time with my wife and some friends. A trip that was originally planned for pre covid times. 


During my absence, Josh Crozier will be Principal and Steve Smith will be Assistant Principal. I have total confidence that their leadership will ensure the start of Term 3 is very positive and our school will not skip a beat.


I look forward to seeing everybody upon my return in August.

Student Reports and Parent Teacher Interviews

By now, you should have received your child’s Semester 1 Student Report. Please read it carefully and discuss it with your child. Due to Mrs Scully’s leave this term, 5/6S parents will receive Reports after the term break as previously communicated.


Parent Teacher interviews will be held in early Term 3. Mr Crozier will send out a booking opportunity through School Stream at the end of this week.

School Review 

A considerable amount of work has been completed this term to complete the Pre Review Self Evaluation. This process includes completion of an exhaustive compliance process as required for school registration by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA). I would like to thank Mr Crozier, Mrs Foot and School Council for their work to support this arduous process. 


The other, incredibly important focus of the review is the school’s impact on student outcomes with a focus on Learning and Wellbeing during the 2020-2023 period. This involves a thorough analysis of school data by the School Improvement Team and teachers, together with opportunities for input by students, staff, parents and School Council through surveys, focus groups and meetings. Overwhelmingly, the feedback has been extremely positive. We have also been provided with some constructive input that will also be considered through the independent School Review process which will occur in September next term. 


Through the Term 3 Review process, a Review Panel will examine the Pre Review Self Evaluation and determine the final outcome status of our school. Most importantly this will involve further opportunities for input from staff, parents and students which will be used to determine the Highvale P.S. Vision, Goals and Targets for the forthcoming four year period 2024-2027. 


This is an important and exciting time for our school. Further information will be provided to our school community mid term 3. 

Cooperative Kids Logo Competition – Student Voice

Thank you to all of the students who chose to participate in the Cooperative Kids Logo competition. The designs created are wonderful and it will be a considerable task selecting the final logo.  Our Engagement Team will lead this process next term. Watch this space.


How do Cooperative Kids work together as a team?

  • All for one and one for all - We encourage and help each other with the task.
  • Personal Responsibility - I contribute to the group’s success.
  • We ‘Check In’ on our progress - We regularly check how well we are working together.
  • Together we are stronger - I use my social skills to communicate and work effectively with others.
  • Listen with your Eyes, Ears, Heart and Body - I make eye contact, actively listen and interact thoughtfully.

HPCG News – Silver Coin Competition Fundraiser

A huge thank you to our HPCG and school families for organising and participating in the Silver Coin Competition Fundraiser. A special mention to Eliza and Jason, who counted all of the silver coins and Bronwyn and Eliza for collecting the empty bottles.


Congratulations to 5/6 G, Prep C and Prep K who donated the greatest value of silver coins. Prizes will be organised in the first week of Term 3. As well, an honourable mention to 4H who donated the most 5 cent coins.


The total amount received was $630.50 which will support resources for our students.


Here are the class results:

1st place5/6 Giakoumis $   82.50 
2nd placePrep Cheong $   69.25 
3rd placePrep Kelaart $   58.75 
4th place2 Usai $   57.15 
5th place5/6 Scully $   50.95 
6th place5/6 Latta $   50.50 
7th place4 Hine $   48.15 
8th place3 Nightingale $   40.95 
9th place5/6 Dvorscek $   39.80 
10th place1 Ebinger $   39.20 
11th place2 Quarrier $   37.15 
12th place4 Dempsey $   24.65 
13th place3 Smith $   22.00 
14th place1 Rodriguez $    9.50 


Some fun facts:

  • The class that donated the most 5 cent pieces was 4 Hine - we counted 367 coins, which equals $18.35!
  • Our HPCG found some foreign coins in the collections - 10 Singapore cents, 10 Malaysian cents, 1 renminbi (from China), 5 rupees (from India) and 5 baht (from Thailand)

2023 School Camps Update

Yesterday I attended a principal meeting regarding the long standing ‘Time in Lieu’ issue between the Australian Education Union and The Department of Education. In the Victorian Government School Agreement, Time in Lieu is required to be paid to teachers and education support staff for work required outside of their normal hours. Schools have been expected to pay this without any funding to cover the payments. This is a major issue and one reason many afterhours events, including camps, productions and other extracurricular opportunities have been heavily reduced across many Victorian schools. 


The recent arbitration through Fair Work has determined that staff must be compensated for their work. The Victorian Government has now committed to some funding to support this. Whilst this is pleasing, the funding model remains unknown and concerns remain regarding actual costs compared to funding.


Whilst optional, camps provide a wonderful opportunity for students to develop their independence, organisation and social emotional skills and are often a highlight of a child’s school years. With all of this in mind, our school will proceed with the 3 day, 2 night Year 3-6 camps in 2023. We will continue to monitor the funding situation as compared to actual costs throughout the remainder of this year to inform our proposed future camp arrangements. I will keep the school community informed as further information becomes available.

2024 School Production - Early Exciting News!

After significant challenges during the pandemic, including the Time in lieu situation mentioned above, I am very pleased to confirm that the 2024 whole school production will be an after school event. We will return to Crossways to ensure all of our students can perform and also view the show. Use of this venue will also enable all parents to attend.  The production is scheduled for late Term 3, 2024. The exact date and times are yet to be confirmed and will be communicated to our community in 2024.

Term 3 STEAM – More exciting News!

In further exciting news, Mrs Williamson returns to Highvale next term and will teach our new STEAM program. STEAM will be split into two programs. Mrs Sinclair and Mrs Yencken will teach STEAM Visual Arts and Media Arts, whilst Mrs Williamson will teach STEAM Science and Design Technologies. Coding and robotics will also be taught through STEAM to all classes during Term 2 each year. All other Digital Technologies, including digital safety, will continue to be taught and utilised across all learning areas.

The creation of an additional STEAM program means that all students will attend 5 specialist classes each week. This is a very comprehensive program for any primary school. Our specialist programs are:

  • STEAM Visual Arts and Media Arts
  • STEAM Science and Design Technologies
  • Physical Education
  • Performing Arts
  • Languages (Mandarin or German)

The introduction of our second STEAM program also enables our class teaching teams to focus on English, Mathematics, Health and the Humanities as well as the Capabilities.  Further supporting the strength of our class programs for all students.

Student Representative Council (SRC)

Today as part of the Student Representative Council (SRC) initiative, all classes from Prep to Year 6 will participate in the much anticipated SRC Dance Off. 


This is just another way that Highvale Primary School embraces Student Voice. Our SRC student leaders selected the activity and classes chose their own songs! All classes have been busy practising over the last few weeks and will perform after our morning of Buddies Day activities.


No doubt, this will ensure full engagement and entertainment for all. 


With all students in all classes involved, it sounds like a great way to end the term. No word yet on whether there will be a contribution from our class teachers but I am hearing rumours…


Thanks to Mrs. Sinclair and our wonderful SRC for their efforts in arranging this event.

ThinkUKnow Parent/Carers and Student Presentation

Thank you to Mr Crozier and the Wellbeing Team for organising the ThinkUKnow information session last night.  https://www.thinkuknow.org.au/


It was great to see so many parents and staff in attendance for such an important topic.  The title, ThinkUknow could not have been more appropriate. This is such a dynamic, important space! Given the opportunities and challenges involved with the online environment it is an imperative for all parents and educators to educate themselves to support our children.


Please see the Engagement & Wellbeing section of this newsletter for further information.

Lost Property

A reminder that all lost property will be disposed of at the end of term on Friday. If your child has misplaced their clothing, drink bottle or other items please ensure they check lost property prior to lunchtime tomorrow (Friday 23rd June). Thank you. 

School Policy Consultation and Updates

Highvale Primary School regularly reviews and updates our policies and procedures to ensure they meet Department standards. These are available to view in our newsletter (see Policies section) and on our school website.


We are committed to continuous improvement in all of our approaches and welcome feedback from families and members of our school community on policies, procedures and practices. 


Policies currently under consultation and/or review can be found in the School Policy Consultation and Update section of the newsletter.


If you have any suggestions, comments or questions, please contact our school office on 9877 8000 to be directed to the appropriate staff member.

School Tours and 2024 Enrolments

School Tours for Prep 2024 and new Year 1-6 students are provided on Wednesday mornings between 9.30-10.45am. Due to demand, tours must be booked through the school office (9887 8000). If you have friends, family or neighbours with school age children, especially those commencing Prep in 2023 please encourage them to book a tour to find out more about our wonderful school and community.


The virtual tour is available at https://highvaleps.vic.edu.au/



Steve Richardson
