A Spotlight on Learning 

Heights Campus

A Spotlight on Learning in the SLC on Springvale Campus

The students in the Senior Learning Centre have once again gone above and beyond in all areas of their learning! They have demonstrated excellence by approaching all learning tasks with consistent effort and perseverance and have used success criteria to reflect and set personal goals. The SLC have been using their literacy and numeracy skills in a wide range of situations such as creating delicious treats during cooking sessions or writing informative postcards to share during our Reconciliation Week Open morning.



The SLC students have also demonstrated the skills of a mathematician by using efficient strategies to solve addition problems. They have enjoyed playing fluency games such as ‘999 or Bust’ and sharing and justifying the mental strategies they use to quickly solve problems. Maths learning has continued during our cooking sessions with students having the opportunity to apply their number skills whilst having fun with their friends. Thank you to Mr Kullar for facilitating these sessions and Miss Lin for sharing your culinary skills! We look forward to having more cooking sessions in Term 3 with our very talented ‘Kitchen’ teacher – Mrs Lu!



In Reading, the SLC students have been learning to visualise by using text clues and their prior knowledge to create mental images. Consequently, this is helping them develop a deeper understanding of the texts they read. The SLC students have been reading a beautiful text from our school library called ‘Back on Country’ that was co-written by Adam Goodes (a former footballer, Australian of the Year and inspiring First Nations leader). Adam Goodes was inspired by his own trips to back to Adnyamathanha country and his stories are supporting us in achieving our reading success criteria by also learning more about Australia’s First Nations history.


The SLC students have been preparing for a very special event; our much anticipated ‘SLC Camp’ to Phillip Island. We are so lucky to have this valuable experience offered to our school free of charge through the Victorian Government Positive Start in 2023 Initiative. It will be another opportunity for our students to grow socially, emotionally and to build their leadership and decision-making skills. As well as this the students have been preparing for their Three-Way Interviews. They have been reflecting on their learning achievements and discussing what has contributed to their success. They have been putting together a portfolio of work they will share with their parents that includes the success criteria they are most proud of achieving. 


It has been a phenomenal Term 2 for the students in the SLC!



Mrs Sophie Christofakakis

Learning Centre Leader

(Springvale Campus)