From the Principal's Desk

Mid-Year Reports

On Monday June 19th, Mid-Year reports will be published via Compass.  Parents and carers will have the opportunity to discuss their child's/children’s progress during Parent Teacher Interviews on Wednesday June 21st, and celebrate their achievements during the first half of the school year.  If you are unable to attend your scheduled Parent Teacher Interview, please call the office on 9546 9604 to reschedule. 


Refugee Week Sunday 18th June - Saturday 24th June 2022

Refugee Week commences on Sunday June 18th and highlights the theme – Finding Freedom.  This annual activity promotes a culture of welcome and inclusion throughout Australia while educating the community about who refugees are and why they have come to Australia.  Next week, the teachers and students will engage in a variety of learning opportunities related to the theme - Finding Freedom, which addresses being able to live without the fear of war, having basic human rights upheld and living in equality. Refugee Week is an opportunity for Springvale Rise to celebrate and acknowledge our wonderful refugee community and to provide learning opportunities for staff, students and community. 


We Are Now Taking Enrolments for 2024

To help us with planning for 2024, we are asking families with children who will be starting school next year to enrol at the commencement of next term.  In addition, if you know of any friends or neighbours who intend to enrol their children at our school, please encourage them to visit the office and complete the relevant documentation.  Enrolment forms are available at the office and interpreters are available to assist with translation. School tours are available upon request. 


 End of Term 2

As the term comes to an end I would like to thank our entire school community for a fabulous Term 2.  It has been such a wonderful term, and I feel very proud to work in an inclusive and respectful learning environment where students are consistently encouraged to achieve and celebrate their personal best. 


Enjoy the school holidays, take care and stay safe. 





Miss Carly Jamar

Acting Principal