Student Welfare and Wellbeing News

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support and Respective Relationships News

SMUDGE update

With sadness and a huge sigh of relief, we notify the school community that Smudge, CSPS therapy dog, has been involved in a car accident Saturday 220723, resulting in a fractured left leg.  He is now at home healing well and being spoilt by his family.  

This news may come as a shock to a number of our students who have gained a strong bond with Smudge.  Please reassure your child/ren that Smudge is ok.  This event provides us with a timely reminder of the need to be vigilant with our pets and that pets come out ‘second best’ against a car.  

Unfortunately, this means that Smudge will require leave from his school duties for up to 4 weeks, with a potential for small group group after 2 weeks.  

We wish Smudge a speedy and smooth recovery. 

Ros Robinson, Smudge’s carer, will continue her support work with CSPS students during his recovery.

Smudge update 300723 - Smudge is recovering well, bandages came off this week and now starting to use his leg again. He still requires lots of rest and hopes to visit the school in the next few weeks.

Buddy Benches @ CSPS

Two buddy benches have been installed inthe school yard.  Students have received a briefing as part of 'Setting the Climate" for Term 3. Students participated in a variety of activities to learn their roles when using the Buddy Bench.

A buddy bench or friendship bench is a seat in a school playground where a child can go when they want someone to talk to. Buddy benches may be distinctively different from other seating in the school.

When you sit on the Buddy Bench

“Before you sit on the Buddy Bench, think of something you would like to do. Ask someone else to play with you.”

“The bench isn’t for socializing. Only sit there if you can’t find anyone to play with.”

“While you’re sitting on the bench, look around for a game you can join.”

“If you see something you want to do or a friend you want to talk to, get off the bench!”

“If you’re sitting on the bench, play with the first classmate who invites you.”

“Keep playing with your new friends!” 

When you see someone sitting on the Buddy Bench

Start by saying hello. If you don’t know the person, introduce yourself.

Make conversation. What’s up? How are you? I like your shoes.

Ask them to play with you or suggest an activity you can do together.

Don’t make it the last time you hang out. Keep playing with your new friend.

Thriving Kids - Free Parent Seminars

As part of the Thriving Kids and Parents School Project, you are invited to attend three highly relevant Triple P – Positive Parenting seminars from one of the most effective evidence-basedprograms in the world, FREE of charge. These interactive seminars will be delivered toparents/carers of children aged 4 – 12 years from your school/via a video conferencing platform.The three interconnected seminars will provide you with a toolkit of practical strategiesto help your child thrive. 

These strategies will help you guide your child’s behaviour,manage everyday worries, and build healthy peer relationships.

Attending all three seminars will provide you with the strategies you need to best support your child’s development.


Power of Positive Parenting (Triple P Seminar) helps you to understand whykids behave the way they do and introduces practical strategies to support your child’ssocial and emotional development.

Helping Your Child to Manage Anxiety (Fear-Less Triple P Seminar) isdesigned to equip you with the skills and strategies you need to support your child tomanage their emotions and overcome challenges.

Keeping your Child Safe from Bullying (Resilience Triple P Seminar) helpsyou maintain good communication with your child, develop positive peer relationships,and address conflict and bullying.


How can I get involved?    

1. Register for the seminar series and complete a short (approximately 15 – 20 minutes)online questionnaire.

2. Attend the three online seminars in the TKPSP series (90 – 120 minutes eachseminar).

3. Complete post-seminar series questionnaires 6 weeks and 12 weeks following the registration. Each questionnaire will take around 15 minutes to complete and will help us understand how helpful the strategies have been.  


Yes, I want to be involved. What’s next?Register through this link: 

If you have any questions, you can contact the project team