Specialist News

Physical Education

It has been a super fun start back to Term 3 with the multipurpose room being a hype of activity across all year levels P.E lessons.

Lots of P.E and Health related events this term so keep an eye on Compass for more information:

Tuesday 8th August - Casey Cup (selected year 5 & 6 students)

Tuesday 16th August to Monday 28th August - Life Education incursion (all year levels)

Monday 28th August to Friday 1st September - Swimming & Water Safety Program (Foundation, Year 1 & Year)

Tuesday 5th September - Senior Hoop Time (selected Year 5 & 6 students)

Tuesday 12th September - Junior Hoop Time (selected Year 3 & 4 students)

Wednesday 13th September - Division Athletics (qualifying students only)


Junior School

Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 students have been working on their striking skills through a variety of modified stations and games. 

Middle School

Year 3 and 4 are completing a gymnastics themed unit that allows them to set individual goals based around strength, balance, coordination and agility.

Senior School

Year 5 and 6 are completing a fitness and gymnastics themed unit that is aimed to build specialised movement skills to increase fitness, balance and coordination in which they can transfer across into their weekend sports. 

First Aid Incursion

On Friday 14th July all classes attended a 45 minute first aid incursion run by St Johns. The knowledge and skills gained in these age appropriate sessions increase first aid awareness in school children and contribute to building a more resilient community.  

Soccer Ball Competition

Summit Sports are running a competition in conjunction with the Women's World Cup.

Support Australia and get behind the Matildas by designing your very own football. The winning design will be produced into 50 footballs for your school and your school will also score a  Matildas signed jersey. Runners up will receive football equipment for your school.

Click on the link to download the entry form.

Artistic Flair

This term in Music all students started by celebrating NAIDOC week through music and dance. 


The Foundation and Junior School students painted their faces with white paint like the aboriginal people do to connect them with Mother Earth. They used tree branches to practice a cultural dance connecting them with ‘country’. Students then used their bodies to tell a story through dance about animals in Australia. 

The Middle and Senior School students used percussion instruments to experiment with creating a soundscape (a story through sound). They found instruments to match sounds in the environment and composed and performed a story made only from sounds.

In Week 2 Foundation students learnt about Tempo through singing and dancing to the song- A Ram Sam Sam. The song and actions get faster and faster until they are nearly impossible. The children loved this! Have a practise at home! 



Junior and Middle School Students learnt about Dynamics in music. The have learnt 4 new Italian words to describe the volume (dynamics) of music:


Fortissimo (Very loud)

Forte- (loud)

Piano- (soft)

Pianissimo (very soft)


Students played four corners and used their bodies to demonstrate their understanding of dynamics. They also learnt what a crescendo (sound gradually getting louder) and decrescendo (sound gradually getting softer) is and enjoyed playing drums soft to loud to help their friends find a hidden object. 


Senior Students learnt about 'bars' of music and created their own 8 bar composition outside using body percussion and chalk.

Social Wellbeing

To start Term 3 in Wellbeing the lower years have been discussing the difference between a Need and a Want. Our needs are the things required for us to live and survive while our wants are the things that make our lives comfortable. We had a game of needs and wants bingo for house points as well. The Middle School have continued our conversation on strategies when we have issues in the yards. Why we have a Prevention 4 and how to use it in a calm and safe way.

The Senior School have been discussing their rights and responsibilities in their different types of relationships thy have with family, teachers and classmates. They looked at their rights at school and how they deserve to be treated, but also their responsibility in ensuring that those around them are also not having their rights violated, such as their right to learn. 

The whole school has also participated in some yoga. 10 minutes of yoga a day is proven to help with self regulation, academic performance, reduce anxiety, raise resilience as well as looking after their physical wellbeing.