Education News


Year 1 & 2 News

Inquiry Learning 

Term 3's big idea for inquiry is all about "being healthy, safe and active." Students have been exploring what it means to be healthy, safe and active at school, at home and within the community. Throughout the term, students will get an opportunity to explore how their body change over time, healthy eating and explore natural and built environments in the local community where physical activity can take place.


Week 1 we were lucky enough to have a whole school visit from St John Ambulance Victoria. During this time, Year 1 and 2s learnt the first few steps when providing first aid to someone at school or at home. 


Later in the term we will be having a visit from RACV Safety Squad to teach us how to be safe around our homes and on the roads. 




In maths we have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes. We have been identify features of the shapes, such as their sides, faces, corners, edges.


In writing we have been learning how to persuade the reader. We have been giving our opinions on topics and then stating a reason for our opinion.