Principal Class News

Compass Calendar of Events

The Mission of CSPS is to empower teachers, students and community members to embrace learning, achieve their personal best and strengthen emotional, social and physical wellbeing.

Empowerment is the process of becoming stronger and more confident.

This photo depicts exactly that.  The ability to become stronger and more confident by surrounding yourself with joy, smiles, laughter, and friendship. 

School is definitely the best time of your life... especially if you attend CSPS.

Monique Corcoran




Extra curricula activity -

CSPS Camps program

Year 5 & 6 recently returned from a Melbourne City Camp (Friday 28th July).  The camp was led by Karen Halket and the Year 5&6 staff, including parent volunteers.

Camps could not be possible without adults giving up their personal time, to ensure that students are provided with this invaluable opportunity.  

The Year 5&6 students were identified in a number of the different venues as being exceptional relative to behaviour and manners.  

We are so proud of how mature these students have grown to be and how positively they represent CSPS.

There has been an increase of the number of students going to the General Store before school.  The school rules are:

  • A student/s can only go to the General Store before or after school with an adult eg. parent/carer
  • Once a student has arrived at school, by car, walked, rode etc.. they are to remain in the school grounds
  • Students cannot exit the school to attend the General Store during school hours

Child Safe - Tips for parents

As your child gets older, they become increasingly independent and may spend  time away from you or with a babysitter/ carer. As part of the journey of growing up,  it is important to speak to your child about being safe. 

Survey: School holiday program

TheirCare would like to survey the Cranbourne South community about running a school holiday program. The program would run from 6.30am to 6.30pm each day.  Further details are included in the survey link.

NEW!!! 2024 Foundation Playgroup Sessions