Student Celebrations

Celebrating many things that our students have achieved

Congratulations to the following students who were nominated for Student Learning and Achievement Awards by their classroom teacher/s.



PAFrankie JFor working hard to create brilliant writing pieces with excellent spelling strategies. Keep up the great work, Frankie!
PBMatthew BFor your efforts to adopt a ‘have a go’ attitude and show resilience when things don’t go quite as you had planned! Your commitment and determination is just outstanding, and you have been a great role model for others! Keep it up Matthew!
PCZayla KFor your confidence when reading HFW. Zayla, I am so proud of how hard you have been working to learn these words, it is showing the way you confidently put your hand up to share your new knowledge! Keep up the amazing work. 
PDGrace TFor her terrific efforts reading and recognising High Frequency Words in texts. Well done, Grace! You are so confident identifying even the trickiest of words, and always support your peers to do the same. Keep up the great work!
PEWalter RFor your amazing 'Weed Your Garden Day' writing  Your sounding out of "flowers" and "mushrooms" was fantastic, matching your colourful craft.  Well done and keep up the great work!
1ARuby DFor her amazing efforts in maths when working on fractions of a collection. You showed fantastic growth and were able to achieve some extension skills in Year Two, splitting collections into eighths as well as shapes. Keep up the great effort, Ruby!
1BJonathan KFor giving his best effort when publishing his wonderful writing piece on the MCG. Jonathan is also incredibly kind to all of his classmates and his wonderful personality brightens up our classroom. Go Jon!
1COliver BFor being the most wonderful part of 1C this year. Oliver, we will miss you so much as you go off on your Swedish adventure. Thank you for always demonstrating the Wembley values of empathy and respect. I am so proud of how much you have achieved this year and of your growth mindset when completing challenging tasks. 
1DChristos KFor your fantastic effort publishing your leafman writing. You always take extra care to make sure you use your best handwriting. Well done Christos, you are a 1D superstar!
2AHanna NFor her amazing efforts in writing.  Hanna, you have created a wonderful writing piece, showing fantastic organisation, great use of adjectives and strong verbs and keeping the reader wanting to read more!  What a superstar author!
2CAleksy SFor his incredible effort in writing and for staying engaged during lessons! Aleksy, you have really stepped up your focus and I'm so proud of you. Well done for slowly down your learning and taking the time to present your best effort. Keep up your amazing work buddy! 
2DBella MFor your fantastic efforts in class and your school work. Bella, you always show wonderful listening skills and work hard to complete your work in all areas of learning. You also set an amazing example of how to be a good friend and show care towards others. Well done!
3ASena BFor your wonderful effort in both your writing and maths this week. You’ve worked hard to solve the multiplication equation using equal groups of. Keep up this amazing effort, you should be incredibly proud of your achievements!
3BEloise WFor being a wonderful, hardworking learner and a fantastic, empathetic friend. Eloise, you always show your best effort, showing a growth mindset when taking on challenges in writing and maths. This week you showed how kind-hearted you are when you put your friend's feelings first, to change your plans so she felt better and included, well done superstar, you should be very proud of yourself! 
3CLoukas PFor your carefully thought out and detailed contributions to class discussions. Well done on sharing your great thinking in such an articulated way!
3DSummer JFor being a wonderful, caring and responsible student. Summer, you always have a smile on your face and approach all learning and friendships in a positive, thoughtful manner. Well done! 
4AMadeleine HFor the amazing effort you have put into preparing for your Student Led Conference. You have been working hard to present an amazing slideshow, showing all the learning you have been doing this term. Well done Maddy!
4BOliver NFor working extremely hard and showing a growth mindset in all areas of the curriculum.  Well done Oliver for always trying your personal best. You should be very proud of yourself!
4CFinn TFor putting in your best effort into your learning! Your outstanding attitude towards achieving your goals and finishing your work has not gone unnoticed. Keep it up Finn, we are super proud of you!
4DReva NFor being resilient and brave at school! Although you were sick for a while, you have been trying so hard to catch up on everything you missed! Your attitude and effort has been outstanding and I'm super proud of you. Congratulations, Reva!
5AOlivia PFor being a consistently kind, respectful and empathetic student. Olivia, the care that you have for your friends and peers is clear to see and is something that you should be very proud of. You are an asset to our class and our wider school community. Great work!
5BRose GFor all your effort and dedication with your learning. You always put in 110%. You are a wonderful role model for your peers. Keep up the great work Rose! 
5CBasquiat VFor showing a high level of focus during independent tasks. You have been motivated to achieve your goals in all learning areas and should be proud of your effort. Congratulations Basquiat!
5/6AMitchell TFor showing a determined mindset and striving to complete all tasks to the best of his ability. Mitchell has demonstrated great resilience when completing his work on Four Operations. Well done! 
6BEvan AFor your excellent efforts in Reading over the past few weeks. Evan, you are making considered responses and pushing yourself to achieve. Keep up the great work!
6CViolet WFor challenging herself to go beyond in maths and using a growth mindset when approaching tasks. Violet, your efforts have been outstanding. Keep it up legend!


PAAria ZFor showing confidence and effort every day. It’s been amazing to see you enjoying school and sharing happy moments with your friends. Keep up the great work, Aria!
PBLucy KFor your engaging and thoughtful contributions to class conversations! You are consistently trying your best to display the 5L’s of listening, and your hard work is paying off! Keep up the great work, Lucy!
PCLillian VFor your determination and positive attitude during independent writing time. Lillian, I have loved watching you have a go at writing the sounds that you hear in words. Keep up the great work! 
PDAnya VFor her wonderful publishing of her writing draft about porcupines. Well done Anya! You were so careful and precise when using the keyboard and the finished piece looks wonderful! Keep up the amazing work!
PERoman BFor your brilliant attitude towards your learning.  You are so confident when trying new and challenging things, doing so with a smile upon your face.  Well done and keep up the amazing attitude!
1ACharlie MFor her wonderful efforts throughout this term in making others feel included both in the classroom and in the yard. You are always willing to let others play with you when they ask or you see someone doesn’t have someone to play with. You also show a willingness to share and offer things to others. Thank you for making our class a more inclusive place! Great job Charlie!
1BDarcy MFor his magnificent efforts when writing, Darcy has been working very hard on editing his writing and is now reading back over his texts and including full stops, question marks and exclamation marks where needed. He even wrote four whole pages the other day. Well done Darcy!
1CLottie BFor her amazing demonstration of our Wembley value of empathy and inclusion. Lottie, I admire the way you help any classmate or teacher in need and always make sure you are considering other people's feelings. Keep it up, we appreciate you!
1DJaden GFor working so hard to improve your handwriting and remember finger spaces. We are so proud of you Jaden, you are a 1D superstar!
2ABrandon WFor his fantastic dedication to his learning this semester.  Brandon, you are always putting in your best effort in everything you do at school.  You embrace a challenge, and seek to extend your learning whenever you can. You consistently model a growth mindset and the Wembley Values. What an absolute superstar!! 
2BLucas FFor an incredible amount of effort in his writing piece for his student led conference.  Congratulations Lucas!  Your resilience and determination to produce a high quality writing piece for your conference was super impressive!  You should be very proud of the amazing work you produced.  Keep up the awesome work! 
2CKisa LFor her amazing efforts throughout this term and for always modelling the school values. Kisa, I’m incredibly proud of you for always trying your best and for the respect you show your peers. Congratulations on all your hard work, keep it up superstar!
2DIsabella BFor your amazing effort and work in class. Isabella, you did a wonderful job at writing your story, through using your creativity and humour. You should be very proud of how hard you worked on it, and keep up the fantastic effort! Well done!
3AJana S For your hard work and effort in preparing and creating an engaging and successful Student Led Conference. Jana, you presented with confidence and was able to showcase all your hard work this term. Well done, we are all proud of you!
3BRonan LFor your amazing effort to catch up and create an interesting story for your Student Led Conference. Ronan you have shown amazing effort this Term and should be really proud of what you have achieved. Well done!
3CNoah BFor showing great persistence and digital technology skills when publishing your writing on the computer. Keep up the great work Noah!
3DArchie EFor your continued effort with your writing. Archie, you worked very hard on your Student Led Conference writing pieces and presented your work with confidence. Great work Archie!  
4ARomy PFor the amazing effort that you put into creating your Student Led Conference slideshow. You presented confidently and showed all the learning that you have been doing this Semester. Well done Romy!
4BSienna GFor her amazing resilience, dedication and hard work shown in completing her Student Led Conference slides in one day. Her slideshow was to an incredible standard that was nothing short of exceptional. Sienna, you impressed your family and myself and you should be so proud of your achievement. Well done!
4CMilana FFor always going above and beyond in your learning. The pride that you show in presenting your work and putting in your best effort is outstanding. Fantastic work Milana, you are a superstar!
5AAlex TFor creating and delivering an engaging and detailed presentation for your Student Led Conference. Alex, you have a lot to be proud of this semester and you presented that beautifully on Wednesday. Great work!
5BLainie HFor your fantastic work putting together your Student Led Conference and your confidence with presenting it. Keep up the wonderful work Lainie. 
5CAleksija SFor showing a relentless determination to achieve your learning goals. Congratulations on an outstanding semester Aleksija!
5/6AOliver HFor his mature approach to schooling and ‘can do’ attitude. This has seen Oliver take risks in his learning and achieve his learning goals. Oliver is a gentle and caring member of our class and he will be greatly missed, but we wish you all the best at your new school. Keep being a superstar!
6AAryan TFor his fantastic effort that he has shown throughout his schooling at Wembley Primary School. Aryan, it has been a pleasure to witness your development over the years, and your sense of humour has been a highlight of 6A. Good luck at your new school. You will be missed!
6BPhenix SFor showing leadership and resilience towards our soccer agreement. Phenix, you spoke in our discussions with maturity and you have led by example in the organisation of the game outside. Keep up the great work!
6CAlice RFor displaying her best efforts in her learning and respect toward the classroom. Alice, your efforts are setting a fantastic example for your peers. Keep it up legend!

Junior Hockey 5s State Championships

On July 1 and 2, Alison (6B) and Violet (4C) competed in the first U12 girls hockey 5s Junior State Championships. They played 8 games of hockey over the 2 days. 

Violet played out of her district for the North West Tigers, who finished 7th. She scored the winning goal in one game with only 10 seconds to go. 

Alison played for the Western Wildcats, who finished 3rd overall. She assisted with the winning goal in the bronze medal match to secure the win with a flick over the goalies head, which was knocked in by a teammate. 

Well done to both Alison and Violet for their efforts at the Championships.

Student Newsletter acknowledgements


We LOVE to hear about student achievements outside of school. If there are any acknowledgements that parents/students wish to share with us and can be celebrated with our wider community, we ask that you email us at with the student/s name/s, a summary of the acknowledgement and any photos that you would be comfortable sharing and we will aim to include it in our fortnightly WPS newsletter.