Learning and Teaching

Assistant Principals: Katie McClue, Joel Magnabosco, Lindsey Delooze and Melanie Irons

Learning Specialists: Renee Johnson and Adriana Jankulovski


A reminder for any parents of students in Years 3-6, ICAS Assessments are still able to be purchased. The closing date for parent sign-up is July 31. No ICAS Assessments are able to be purchased after this date.

For more information about how to register and pay for your child for ICAS Assessments, please refer to the emails you would have received on June 7 or July 11, as well as the PDF below.

2023 NAPLAN Results

Many of you might have seen in the news that we can anticipate receipt of our 2023 NAPLAN results in late July - not much longer to wait now! 


Once these results have been shared with the school, we will communicate directly with our parents of relevant student cohorts - Years 3 & 5. 


We will also share a results report and analysis more generally with our community, starting with our School Council. 

1:1 Device Program



This topic has been referenced in our previous couple of newsletters - please check back for some introductory information. 


This term we will commence our enrolment process, with our current Year 3 students and parents - this will compromise of an online Information Session, supporting written information and access to the ordering Portal through the company Compnow. 


Once confirmed, we will reach out to all parents via Sentral, with the date of our Information Session.