Student, Sports & Chappy's News
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
During your attendance at parent teacher interviews, please take the opportunity to visit our student art gallery.
The exhibited art was produced by students from Years 3 to 6 during class with Mr Cocks and will be displayed in the foyer of the PAC (hall).
The art gallery includes examples of mixed digital media which was created by our Years 4 and 6 students who produced imaginative superhero face masks. Our Years 3 and 5 students crafted a mixture of visual pieces including symmetrical insect art and still life art.
I am sure you will agree that we have some incredibly talented artists!
Yours in Art
Mr Tom Cocks
Art Teacher
Book Club issue 5 is now open. Magazines are on their way home with the youngest family member.
If you wish to place an order, please go online to
Orders need to be in no later than Thursday the 27th of July.