From the Deputy Principals

Semester One Reports and Parent Teacher Consultations

The next round of Parent Teacher Consultations will be held in the College Gymnasium on Tuesday 18 July from 10:00am to 6:00pm. Booking details will be sent with Semester One reports which will be released through SEQTA Learn and Engage on Thursday 29 June.  While this is a pupil free day, we ask students to attend with parents, wearing school uniform. We hope you are able to attend and we look forward to meeting with you to discuss your son’s academic progress as we go into Semester Two.

MyPath Parent Information For Year 10 Parents

Tuesday 20 June

Our MyPath Parent Information and Careers Expo session will be held on Tuesday 20 June. The Careers Expo will offer great information about the range of industry and workplace possibilities for your sons. Following this will be a session on the selection process and what is required to achieve a WACE, ATAR information and VET possibilities.  This session starts at 5:30pm and will be recorded for our Boarding parents. To indicate your intention to come to this event, we ask you book through the Trybooking link below:

Course Counselling Sessions – Year 10 Parents

Bookings for 20 minute sessions with Course Counsellors are now open through Parent Teacher Online. These are being held at the school from Monday 26 June until Thursday 29 June, either in person or by phone. You should have received an email regarding making a booking with one of our course counsellors to assist your son in the subject selection process for 2024. For further enquiries, please contact Michael King at or Liana Angove at


Liana Angove

Deputy Principal (Teaching and Learning)

The Push Up Challenge 

Thank you to all families who have participated in the Push Up Challenge. Around the College, our leaders have been running pop up push up stations and handing out snacks to promote healthy habits for Men's Health Week. Please see a short activity from the College notices that could be a fun activity to conclude Men's Heath Week in your household.

The theme of Men's Health Week 2023 is Healthy Habits - Let's focus on identifying small changes that could accumulate to make a big impact. What small things can you commit to today for your wellbeing? It can be gratitude journalling, positive noticing of strengths in others, a fitness plan or additional activity, no sugar Wednesdays. The options are endless. What is yours for today? Write down in your diary one change for Wednesday. How did you go on Thursday and then Friday? If it is still happening, keep the momentum going over the weekend.


Below is some commentary from our Captain of Arts, Jack, who has led the Push Up Challenge initiative with the support of the Wellbeing Portfolio across all years. Jack is also a Push Up Challenge Ambassador.


Thank you to all those who have joined us on the Push Up Challenge. 

The Push Up Challenge captures the Mazenod spirit, by coming together and pushing for a good cause as a community. The cause being the awareness of mental health as well as improving both physical and mental health. The Push Up Challenge is a great means for us to reduce the stigma around mental health.


Thanks to all those who attended the pop-up-push-up stations. It was a great turnout, and for those who want one more session we will be holding our final session on Tuesday 20 June in the quadrangle. For students, don’t be afraid to join in we’re all pushing for this cause in any way we can, even if you can’t push up, sit ups are a good substitute. Try a few at home this weekend.


The current participants are split into House teams; however, I am sure that there are people doing the push-ups, just not a part of our House teams. If you wanted to sign up, even now, to contribute to the tally please ask your son to do so and retrospectively fill out their tallies.


Jack H

Captain of the Arts

Push Up Challenge Ambassador

School TV - Mobile Phone Separation Anxiety

This edition, the College thought to share this short, special report from Mazenod School TV. It looks at the potential risk of real mental health distress from the addictive reliance on mobile phones.


Please follow this link to engage with the commentary on mobile phone use:  

SPECIAL REPORT: Mobile Phone Separation Anxiety | Mazenod College - Lesmurdie (


For guidance on managing screen use in your household please be directed to the eSafety Commissioner. These two links provide guidance on using parental controls and negotiating towards healthy screen time in the household:

Parental controls | How to keep your child safe (

Screen time | How much is too much? | eSafety Commissioner


Michael Anderson

Deputy Principal (Students)