Student Wellbeing 

This year in the wellbeing space, our school continues to focus on: 

  1. Building teacher capability to activate student voice and agency within the classroom
  2. Reducing the % of students with 20+ days absence from 39% in 2019 to 25% in 2024.
  3. Embedding  a whole-school approach to the development of the social and emotional wellbeing of students
  4. Developing and implementing strategies that involve parents and carers as partners in their child’s learning    

Dear Parents and Carers,


Term 2 is proving to be another busy term with some very exciting events planned for our staff, students and community members.




Playgroup is continuing to build and we are welcoming new families each session. It has been great to see the varying ages of children and the excitement in their voices when they are greeted by new toys and experiences each fortnight. Stories, songs, slime play, craft, trucks, trikes, blocks, dress ups, sandpit and play equipment are offered to promote  positive social interactions for our children and enhance their language skills and while supporting and connecting our families across our community.  Our next session will be on Wednesday 21tst of June from 9:00am.



Berry Street Education Model PL 


On the 1st and 2nd of June, our staff will attend the final two days of the Berry Street Education Model Training. This professional learning was financed through the DET Mental Health Menu initiative launched in 2022.  The four-day course is arranged around the five Berry Street Education Model domains:

  • Day 1: Body – How to help your students to regulate their stress response, de-escalate in school and classroom contexts and provide strategies for increased focus.
  • Day 2: Relationship – Positive relational classroom management strategies that promote on-task learning
  • Day 3: Stamina – How to create a culture of academic persistence in your classroom by nurturing student resilience, emotional intelligence and a growth mindset. Engagement – How to motivate students with strategies that increase their willingness to learn
  • Day 4: Character – How to harness our values and character strengths approach for effective learning and for future pathways.

School Attendance 

School attendance continues to remain front and centre of our 2023 key improvement strategy. Our overall school attendance was sitting above 90% for this fortnight.  This is steadily improving and the fortnightly awards are certainly having the desired affect.  Attendance is a key improvement strategy for our school this year. We'd like to thank our families for making this a priority and supporting your children to attend school every day. 


Going to school every day is the single most important part of your child’s education. Students learn new things at school every day. Attending and participating in school will help your child develop:

  • important skills and knowledge to help them learn
  • social and emotional skills such as good communication, resilience and team work.

Children who attend school every day and complete year 12 have:

  • better health
  • better job opportunities
  • higher income across their lives.

There is no safe number of days for missing school. Every day counts!



Attitudes To School Survey 

Attitudes to School Surveys have been completed and we look forward to using this data to identify future Key Improvement Strategies and always enjoy the opportunity to analyse the results with our students. 


IOC and Diverse Learner Hub 

Michele Soleski who is an Inclusion outreach coach working with us for the next 2 terms. Michele’s role is to support staff to implement and tweak Tier 1 practices and also support the implementation of Disability Inclusion across the school and provide targeted professional learning to our staff in the wellbeing space. We look forward to working closely with Michele. 


E Safety


We’d like to remind families that most social media apps are for students 13 years and over. Snapchat, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter etc stipulate users must be 13 years of age or older. If you do allow your child to access social media, we ask for your vigilance. Just like their interactions in person, online interactions require supervision and support. 


Below are some strategies that are known to be successful when monitoring social media usage. These include: 


• Monitoring your child’s phone or devices for apps that are downloaded 

• Enacting parental controls on phones and consoles 

• Reviewing the messages they send on platforms and apps. 

• Consider making monitoring part of a daily or weekly routine 

• Setting expectations about what space and times they have access to devices. Ideally this should be a shared space in the home.  

• Encouraging your child to share or discuss with you what they are doing online

• Encourage your child to share their concerns with you when they arise 


There is a phone ban during school hours and phones must be handed into the office or your child’s classroom teacher upon arrival at school. Phones will be secured in a locked cabinet during the school day and returned to students at the end of the day. The is a Victorian Department of Education directive.


We are addressing these issues at school and educating our students about the permanency of what is posted online even if it ‘appears’ to disappear. Additionally, we are addressing the social, emotional and criminal implications for individuals if these platforms are used in a way to threaten, cause hurt and or bully others. Our values are inclusion, respect, resilience and responsibility and we wish to instil these values in all facets of our students’ lives. However, behaviours arising from social media misuse that spill over into the school environment will be addressed in accordance with our Student Engagement and Wellbeing Policy. 


Please take the time to discuss this with your child and if you have any concerns regarding your child or would like some advice around this topic, please contact your child’s classroom teacher or the Wellbeing Team. Alternatively, visit this website for lots of wonderful information and advice for parents


Have a great weekend!

ETRPS Wellbeing Team ☺


   Anglicare Early Help Services at ETRS


Wishing everyone a great weekend.

Kind regards, 

ETRS Wellbeing Team.