Middle Sub-School News 

Sarah Hill


A very big welcome back to term three. What a successful transition back to school it has been! Students have entered on buses, in cars and walked through the gates with such enthusiasm. I am constantly amazed at the amount of friendships that continue to be formed. Each morning I overhear lovely, friendly greetings being shouted across playgrounds and walkways which is extremely heartwarming. It has been great to see friendships evolve and to see students looking out for each other.


This week some very lucky students participated in Canine Comprehension, a program centred around developing emotional literacy. The program is conducted by a four legged friend and his companion. I won’t give too much away just yet, but I’m sure you will hear of all the wonderful work being done in this space shortly. 


A reminder that SSG’s are taking place in weeks 3, 4 and 5, with Room 17 being the exception. Please ensure you make a time to either conduct a phone call, WebEx conversation or face to face meeting with your child’s teacher to get an update on their current and future learning goals. This is also a wonderful opportunity for you to provide an update to the classroom staff on what is happening at home. 


As always, please utilise your child’s communication book to remain connected with your child’s teacher. This book is where any key information can be relayed between school and home, supporting the homeschool partnership.


I hope you have had a wonderful first few weeks of term and look forward to what I’m sure will be a busy term ahead.

Room 18


In the last few weeks of Term 2, the students in Room 18 got to know their new teacher, Katie. By the end of term, we were all working well together and had a lot of fun with our Jungle theme – which was based around the book ‘Walking through the Jungle’ by Julie Lacome. Together we looked at the different animals and wrote their names and some words describing them. We also made some 3D models of some of the animals, which joined our display. We hope you all had a great break and look forward to an amazing Term 3.