Primary Sub School Stars of the Week

Room 1

Erwon for improvement with his fine motor skills.

Liam for saying the word ‘open’ when requesting for items to be opened. 


Room 2

Ahyan for using his words to request things. 

Mahira for being independent eating her lunch. 


Room 3

Marshall has demonstrated he can take turns with the support of a turn card.

Homaira has demonstrated she can take turns with the support of a turn card.


Room 4

Mohammad has shown improvement in his listening skills during classroom time and had a wonderful time taking turns watering the plants in the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden. Well done Mohammad!

Joyce has shown wonderful progress in her art skills and has now started putting together a classroom art portfolio with all her work. She has also shown a talent in music and has enjoyed using the xylophone. Well done Joyce!


Room 5

Saven for being a good friend and looking out for his peers.

Dexter for being so creative making stories, books and pictures. 


Room 6

Zachary for sitting on his chair and joining the group during morning circle.

Ali for demonstrating increasing confidence by successfully transitioning into his new school.


Room 7

Oliver Gilbertson - most cheerful

Scarlett Galea - most helpful


Room 8

Keerthi for her hard work and demonstrating independence in class this week.

Aarib for using new vocabulary in class and working well independently.


Room 9

Nivan for always trying his best

Zane for his creative suggestions and ideas for space display this term