
Principal News Flash 

Stephanie Di Salvo & Dan Moloney 



Dear parents, carers and friends of the school community, we hope you had an enjoyable Term 2 holiday with family and friends and feeling refreshed and recharged for another exciting term ahead! 


Canine Comprehension 

The Wellbeing Team, Stephanie Di Salvo (AP), Stacie Herman (Mental Health Practitioner), Nina Cerantonio (Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader) and Isabella De Luca (Mental Health and Wellbeing Officer) are excited to introduce our first Wellbeing Program for the school year. 


We have been fortunate enough to secure Canine Comprehension: a Therapy Dog program that will focus on supporting students’ Social-Emotional Learning linked to the Personal and Social Capabilities for Term 3. This will be a Tier 2 intervention for an elected cohort of students identified by the Wellbeing Team. 


For our students in the primary sub-school who are working in the earlier levels of the Personal and Social Capability Curriculum, we will be running Dog for Half a Day, which will aim to improve general mental health outcomes for our students. 


As part of the program, the therapy dog facilitators will be taking progress notes about how the students are engaging during the sessions. Teachers will be provided with student progress notes throughout the eight weeks of the program, to support their Personal and Social Capability IEP goals and report documentation.


Here are some photos of the Primary Sub-School engaging with George, our four legged friend and his companion Judy! 




Tier 2 Social-Emotional Learning 



As an addition to the Personal and Social Capability Curriculum Units delivered to all students, we are in a fortunate position to provide further targeted Social- Emotional (SE) learning sessions to students who have been identified by the Wellbeing Team as requiring additional learning opportunities in the Learning Area. The programs will be aiming to support specific areas of social-emotional learning including; resilience, emotional regulation, general wellbeing, and emotional literacy. 


Within the scope of the sequence of lessons, the team will be incorporating the ‘Jump! Schools’ learning activities that focus on personal growth, community building and leadership. This program will also support student’s Personal and Social Capability IEP goals and report documentation.


Term 3 SSGs

Our SSG period re-commences in Week 3. Yes, that's next week.

Be sure to return your 'filled-in' meeting preference note OR log into your XUNO Family account via the 'Parent Interviews' tab to confirm a preferred time.


This term, and as a response to your recent survey feedback, we have asked teachers and families to develop a long term (3 year) goal for your child's development in any area of their learning and development that we can all work on. Our teachers can speak to you regarding these goals as your first agenda item.