Club News

Deadly Gamambi Club
Last week our Deadly Gamambi Club went to Arrawarra Fish Traps and Mullaway Headland with the Garby Elders. Students enjoyed a range of activities such as storytelling, cooking, dancing, singing, making ochre and worming along the beach. It was a fantastic excursion, and all staff and students had an incredible day.
The Passive Play Club Fundraiser
It’s getting cold, so next Friday (23/6 - week 9) The Passive Play Club will be holding a pyjama dress up day fundraiser. The Passive Play Club would like students to come to school dressed in their oodies, onesies or pj’s. Students who come dressed in their pj’s are asked to bring a gold coin donation. All money raised will go towards purchasing new items for students within our school to enjoy. The club would like to buy some bean bags for the passive play area outside the hall, more mini monster trucks for the mud area at the back corner of the oval and some materials for another hands-on project. Come dressed in your pj’s as a fun end to week 9!
- Students will need to wear appropriate clothing. They will need to bring their school hat, wear appropriate footwear, underwear, clothing that covers their shoulders (no singlets) and no loose shorts.