
Infants Class Awards

Congratulations to the following students who received a class award at Friday's assembly:


KH - Ginny Simpson and Jack Thompson

KT - Mia Morton and Indiana Browett

1L - Kayleb Brown and Luca Johnston

1D - Heidi Stone and Kahli Allen

2H - Saoirse Scrivener, Alistair Kafer and Ellie Wall

2B - Jaxx Dummer, Beatrix Alam and Isabella Strevens


Primary Class Awards

Congratulations to the following students who received a class award at Friday's assembly:


2/3RM - Grace Burnett and Jax Baldwin

3P - Charlie Baldwin and Xavier Cotton

3N - Hunter Wiggins and Jarrah Masling

4S - Aurora Alam and Hudson Wheeler-Smith

4G - Ebony Forsythe and Harry Horton

5M - Sebastian Wiseman and George Filet

5B - Ava Carter and Harmony Waddell

6G - Bronte Doyle and Cody Booth

6D - Mia Vaiciurgis and Shelley Richards