Teaching and Learning Update

I was on the phone to a parent this week, and I was referencing something that happened two weeks ago but referred to it as ‘ages ago’. It goes to show that a lot happens in one day, and at times two weeks can seem like a really long time! It got me thinking about all that happens in two weeks at Monty South. Here are some of the numbers:

  • 60 sessions
  • 3000 minutes of teaching and learning time
  • ~ 6800 students learning something new
  • 10 lunchboxes
  • 26 teacher meetings
  • (too many) lost school jumpers

Our staff have been working hard to further develop our Mathematics programs. As a school we have investigated what makes a great maths learner and what great maths teaching attends to.


There is a real buzz growing around the school. Teachers have begun slowly incorporating more open-ended problem solving tasks into their programs which are aimed at increasing engagement whilst highlighting the 4 proficiencies; understanding, fluency, reasoning and problem solving. Here are some photos of some learning in action.


Over the holidays, see what opportunities present themselves day-to-day where you can get your children thinking, questioning, explaining, connecting and solving.


Congratulations on another successful term. Enjoy the chilly winter break.


Many thanks,


Maree Magnabosco | Assistant Principal