School Update

Last day of school for Term 2
Tomorrow, Friday 23rd June, finish time is 2.30pm
Have a safe and happy break and we look forward to seeing you on Monday 10th July.
Reporting Feedback questionnaire
Last year, Montmorency South Primary School transitioned to an ongoing assessment and reporting model. This involved the inclusion of Common Assessment Tasks (CATs) on SeeSaw and the subsequent alterations to the semester written report. The trial has now concluded and we are seeking feedback from parents and carers as we begin the review process. You can complete the questionnaire here. This form will close on Monday 10th July, 2023.
Please note that the survey is in 4 parts; written report, CATs, 3 Way Conferences and overall reporting process. There is the option of adding a comment at the end of each section. Thankyou for your time; parent/carer feedback is a vital part in our decision making processes.
Lost Property - Please collect this week
All lost property will be available from outside the office this Thursday and Friday.
This includes water bottles and lunch boxes, uniform items and other miscellaneous items. All items not collected at the end of this week will be disposed of or donated to second hand uniform sales or charity.
Student are asked to wear Monty South branded uniform items rather than other clothing items at school. If your child's uniform has been lost, any parent or student can check the lost property collection located in the BER (gym) at any time throughout the term.
We have a large amount of lost property that accumulates throughout the school term. To assist in the quick recovery of lost items, can we ask that all uniform, especially jumpers, are named as well as any balls, water bottles and lunchboxes. If you have purchased second hand uniforms it is important to cross out the previous student's name.
Book Week and Book Parade on August 24th
Our amazing book parade and free dress day will be held during Book Week in August. Dress up as your favourite book character. The parade will be held in the gym and families are welcome to attend and watch the fun.
Prep Enrolments for 2024 - Applications close July 28th
Families enrolling siblings for Prep 2024 can collect an Application for Enrolment form from the office or download from our website.
Thank you to all who attended the Prep 2024 information evening last night. This was a successful session attended by many current and prospective Monty South families.