Student news

Recycling bread bags
Thanks to everyone for bringing in your used bread bags for recycling. Hopefully this will result in plenty of points to redeem for new sports equipment thanks to the Wonder campaign! Wonder White website.
Author Visits
This term we have had so many wonderful authors visit us and talk to our students about their books and the process of writing. Our author visits aim to inspire students to read, and to enquire about how books come about, with the aim to spark imagination and thought. Thank you to our visiting authors Mark Carthew (Prep), Jane Godwin (Yr 2 & 3), Adrian Beck (Yr 4 & 5) and Felice Arena (Yr 6) and thanks to Clare Bear for organising this great program.
Incursions and Excursions
The Edendale Farm excursion for our Year 3 was a great success on Monday 5th June.
Every two years Somers Camp is offered to year 5 and 6 students. This year we were fortunate to be able to send all 37 students who applied and one staff member, Bec Buckley. For 10 days, our students spent time away from home, making new friends from other schools in our region and having many new experiences. They returned yesterday having had an awesome time. We are proud of all our students for stepping out of their comfort zone to make the most of this unique opportunity.
The intra-school sports team went on an excursion to Bounce where a lot of fun was had by all (including the staff!).
Sporting achievements
Congratulation to our teams that competed in the Inter-school sports last week. What a great term of sport you have had. Well done to all who competed and gave their all!
The results were:
- Both our lacrosse teams won: Boys 1-0 and girls 6-0!
- Tee-ball won 25-14. Fantastic play by all involved and player of the day went to Astri!
- Netball called in to the intra-team for some substitute players for the mixed team while some of their teammates are at Somer’s Camp this week! They played a friendly game against Holy Trinity with the girls team winning!
- The soccer team had Coach Daniel biting his nails and on the edge of his seat as they played against Lower Plenty, but in the end, Daniel was as cool as a cucumber when the team won 2-1!