National NAIDOC Week is observed throughout Australia in the first week of July each year, from Sunday to Sunday. It is a time to commemorate and appreciate the history, culture, and accomplishments of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week provides an opportunity for all Australians to learn about the rich cultures and histories of First Nations and take part in celebrating the world's oldest living cultures.
Although we will be on holiday, families might consider participating in one of these special activities.
Poem: From The Oceans To The Dusts
We will honour our elders
Till the chains of time rust
They shared their legacy
From the oceans to the dusts.
It’s not written on the pages of Wills,
Or even on the Net
It's just as they left it
The same when they went.
No signage is written
In words with a meaning
By words from their mouths
Grew generations of Dreaming.
Animals and plants
They mirrored the souls
The stories had teachings
For each waterhole.
Time has watched fete change
And the stars they still shine
They showed us the heritage
An environment sublime.
We will honour our elders
Till the dawn meets the dusk
They entrusted a legacy
From the oceans to the dusts.