Principal's Message
Athletics Carnival Postponed
The PSSA Athletics Carnival that was supposed to be held this Friday the 5th of August has been Postponed to Friday the 12th of August due to the wet weather predicated. The carnival is still to held at Harris Park Armidale. Marshalling begins at 8.30am. There will be no Kentucky Teacher representative present on the day so it is up to you and your child(ren) to be at their event(s) on time.
Please refer to the PSSA information sheet Mrs Street sent home last week regarding the event(s) that your child(ren) qualified to compete in. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
Unwell child
If your child wakes up unwell could you please keep them home for the day. There are lots of viruses, colds/flu going around this time of year. We would like to keep everyone healthy, so if your child is unwell please keep them at home until they are feeling better.
P&C Meeting
P&C Meeting will be held next Wednesday, 10th August, Starting at 7.00pm