The Man Cave and Flourish Girl
On Wednesday 10th August, we organised external providers to help support our students as part of the Respectful Relationships initiative. Flourish Girl is designed to give girls the opportunity to build the social and emotional tools they need to connect deeper with themselves. The Man Cave is focused on empowering boys with preventive mental health tools and providing them with the opportunity to create their own unique version of healthy masculinity. The sessions were spoke of highly by students and staff alike. We certainly look forward to working with The Man Cave and Flourish Girl in the future! Read what others had to say about the program:
The presenters were fantastic. They built up trust with the Year 9 boys by sharing their own lived experiences and that paved the way for the students to share with each other, openly and honestly. The students were also fantastic participants who learnt a lot about themselves on the day.
Tristan Russell
Head of Curriculum
I was supervising The Man Cave for period 1 and 2 and think the incursion was incredible. Every student in the session was highly engaged and were quite open to talking about the pressures they face and the challenges of coping with them.
Timothy McClare
Humanities Teacher
Shane Hunt
Community Relationships & Connectedness