Appointment to Congregational Leader 

  Sr Louise Cleary 

After three years of outstanding leadership of Kildare Education Ministries Board, its Chair, Sr Louise Cleary, has stepped aside. Sr Louise was appointed Congregational Leader of the Brigidine Sisters (internationally) several months ago, so she now has many additional responsibilities. 


We have been blessed to have the benefit of Louise’s wisdom and guidance and offer her our prayerful support and good wishes for this important role.


Reflections from Nicole Mangelsdorf, Principal, Kilbreda College

(on behalf of the KEM Principals)


Reflecting upon the last three years and my conversations with the other KEM principals, I can safely say that the seven of us are in awe of not only the multiple responsibilities and roles you hold but the way in which you carry them out.


Being the Chair of a school board is a time consuming and complex task when you have one school, let alone seven schools spread over two states.  You’ve not only taken on this significant role but done so while also being the Chair of the Members Council and President of ACRATH.


This speaks volumes to your commitment and dedication to the education of young people, social justice and Kildare Ministries.  


During your time as the chair of the board we have come to know and greatly appreciate 

  • That you are an exceptional educator and leader who has a deep knowledge and understanding of all aspects of a school and also understands the complexities of and challenges faced in schools today 
  • The relationships that you have forged, not only with each of us but with our leadership teams, stewardship council members and staff.   
  • That you trusted us to carry out our roles, but were always available for us to draw upon your expertise, workshop scenarios that we were grappling with and provide very wise counsel and support.
  • Your calm, considered approach and clarity of thinking 
  • That you take the time to listen. You respect our opinions and feelings and are genuinely interested in how we and are schools are going 

We have particularly appreciated the way in which you have cared for and held us these last couple of years, acutely aware of the impact of the pandemic on us and our schools.  Despite how exceptionally busy you are, you made the time to reach out to us to check in and offer any support that might be needed. 


I know from personal experience that in times of great challenge you have literally dropped everything and been there to assist and support. I have no doubt that the others have experienced the same. 


To have the chair of the board show such care and concern for you as a principal means a great deal and together with your commitment to our ongoing wellbeing makes such a difference.


In these last few years…

  • You’ve inspired us with your deep commitment to the numerous roles you hold and your unwavering stance on the dignity of the human person and fight for justice and inclusion for all. 
  • You’ve challenged us through your leadership to be better leaders and better people
  • You’ve helped us to lead our communities in a contemporary understanding of the gospel that responds to the needs of our time
  • You’ve encouraged, affirmed and supported us

And you have shown us by your example what it truly means to give witness to the Brigidine motto of strength and kindliness and the six core values of Kildare Ministries.


Louise, we are so very grateful to have had the privilege to learn from, work alongside and be supported by you over these last three years.  We have grown as leaders and educators both individually and collectively as a team and in our commitment to continue to realise the vision that you and others had in creating Kildare Ministries. 


You will be deeply missed by each of us, but we know that you will continue to be a presence within our school communities and that you will be supporting and barracking for us from the sidelines, just as we will always be in your corner.


Opening of the Louise Cleary csb Learning Centre
Opening of the Louise Cleary csb Learning Centre