P&F Association News

2022 Committee Members

President - Joanne Ward

Vice President - Kylie Wanschers

Secretary  - Maree Rogers

Treasurer - Michael Ainsworth

BBQ & Catering  - Christine Fittler & Bernadette Garratt

NEXT P & F Meeting

Save the Date!!

Term 3  14th September 2022

Staffroom - Rusden street at 5:30pm

P&F President News

Father’s day stall for Friday 2nd September. 

Term 4 Disco will be the 13th October. 

The Fete is the 13th November. Please if you can help let us or Kate Hawthorne know. We NEED helpers!! We are also looking into a family event for the end of year, so save the date for the 2nd December! 


This year we have, with your generous support, raised approx. $4200.00. 

What are we doing with this money? Watch this space! Mrs Burton & the Staff are coming up with a list of needs/wants for the school and next meeting we hope to be able to give the money back to the school in the way of purchased Furniture/chrome books etc.


Can you help?  We are looking for someone who would be keen to organise the discos each term. It is not a big job but it would be helpful for someone to take it on and organise it. If you're keen or know someone who would be perfect to help in this area then please let the front office or myself (jmward1003@bigpond.com) know. 



St. Mary’s Fete  2022

I hear what you say


The truth is you know !!



Sunday 13th November 11am - 3pm ALL WELCOME 😄

Our St. Mary’s Fete is the major School Community highlight of our year celebrating our Families, Staff & Students. Please mark this date on your Calendars and contact us to be involved.  All help is welcome 😄 We would love your help and donations so here’s what you can do!!!



Please send in items according to the theme for the set DONATION DAYS. 

* Lollies * Chocolates  * Lucky Dips * Gift Cards * Wine * Bundles * Baskets, Bowls & Bundles 


All donations of clean, in-date, good quality welcome.


Donation Days:

Points will be awarded to each Sporting House for each donation received.


Lolly Donation Day

Friday September 9th

Please donate 1 or 2 bags of lollies in a sealed bag for use at the Fete

Thank you 😄


Chocolate Donation Day

Please donate 1 or 2

Bags, Blocks or Boxes of chocolate Friday Sept 16th

Thank you for your support of our school 😄


More Donation Days in Term 4 👏👏


Please also consider what you might have in your cupboard. Second hand clothes or books? Do you have a green thumb? Can you start propagating now to donate to the plant store? Have a think about what sweet treat you can cook up for the cake stall. All donations will be welcomed. 


Also please really consider if you can help out before hand or on the day. We NEED helpers. I can’t stress this enough. Can you help sell raffle tickets? Can you help out on a stall? Do you have a particular cuisine you would like to cook and sell to our school community? Please give it some thought and reach out to Kate Pigram 0408 350 136 or to myself (Joanne Ward) 0429 831 382. 


Next P&F meeting is Wednesday the 14th September 5.30 pm in the Staff Room. We would LOVE to have you join us.


Remember mark your diaries for the School Fete, Sunday the 13th November 11am -3pm. It will be loads of fun!


Thank you for the support for our wonderful St. Mary’s School Fete 2022