Early Learning Centre

Another busy week at the Early Learning Centre.  We love talking to our families at drop off and pick up, sharing the happenings at home and then what has transpired during our ELC day.  Parents are always welcome to ask questions about their child’s learning and development and raise any concerns you might have.  Please feel free to speak to staff, or if you would like, make an appointment to speak to me at a particular time.  We work together to make this the best experience for your children.


Child Safe Environment

There is a lot of work being done around child safety and developing and reviewing our policies. We pride ourselves on being a safe place for children and their families and we would expect anyone who has any concerns to contact us.  We are currently reviewing two of our policies Child Safe Environment and Wellbeing and our Code of Conduct.  Parents will find draft copies of these on our notice board should you wish to review, and your feedback would be well received.


In line with creating a child safe environment it is timely to provide you with information around teaching your child about body safety.


Body Safety

Teaching children body safety and protective behaviours is incredibly important in safeguarding them from potential abuse not only as children but into their teens and adulthood. Children who are taught to have a strong confident voice in regard to their bodies will grow into teens and adults who are able to speak up when they are uncomfortable, or their body is not being respected. 


Some important ways to begin this with kindergarten aged children are:

  • Use the correct names for body parts
  • Explain that parts of the body under a bathing suit are private and not to be touched by other people except in certain circumstances like a doctor when they are sick with a parent present.
  • Teach children that they are the boss of their own body and they do not have to kiss or hug people if they do not want to. This can be a difficult issue with extended and older family members. Try politely explaining to them that you are teaching your child about body safety and suggest a high five or a fist bump instead.

For further reading: https://www.aifs.com.au/static/media/uploads/childwise_parentsguide.pdf


This can feel challenging to us as adults, having these sorts of discussions with our children, but it is vital for the wellbeing and body confidence. At the Early Learning Centre we support the idea of body safety and we are always open to discussing this with parents should you have any concerns.


Have a great week.


Frances O'Brien

Director Early Learning Centre