Myrniong - ELC to Yr 6

Years 2 & 3 EcoLinc – My Little Dino

On Tuesday, the Year Two and Three classes attended a video conference called ‘MY Little Dino’, exploring the fossil discovery of little Leaellynasaura, an Australian dinosaur located on Victoria’s coastline.  Students were introduced to the jobs of palentologists and paleoartists and took part in predicting and attempting to depict the appearance of extinct animals using fossil evidence. They created their own dinosaur, considering the habitat requirements, dietary needs and adaptations. Year Three are also learning about neologisms in poetry and creating new dinosaur names to represent members of their families.


Learmonth House Fundraiser – Daffodil Day

On Thursday, Learmonth House planned and organised a fundraiser for Daffodil Day to raise money for cancer research.  It was a casual clothes day with a ‘touch of yellow.’  We were challenged to wear as much yellow as we could.  It was amazing to see just how much of a particular colour could be found in our wardrobes.  The leaders of Learmonth also guided us to make a sea of paper daffodils.  Thank you Learmonth House for your great initiative and helping us to do our bit to rid the world of cancer.


Book Week / Wellness Week – plan for next week

We have a busy week ahead with the combination of Book Week and Wellness Week.  Below you will find a plan for what is on each day.  Thank you to the members of our KidsMatter and S.R.C. teams who have planned a fun filled week for us.  We also extend our thanks to senior S.R.C. students, Kody Roth and Maddie Green, who gave up their time to meet with junior students to brainstorm and plan for our whole school lunch together on Tuesday.  It is quite special to be able to work together across campuses and I know the younger students felt very important being included in the organisation of the activities.







Book week




Book Character dress up day


Parade 9 am


Wellness week

Pyjama day


Mindfulness activities at lunchtime

Whole School lunch at the Senior School 

(lunch supplied)

Disco (undercover area)

Art and craft 

(Year Three room)

Dress to Impress fundraiser 



A reminder that the Hamilton Netball Association will run their Junior Saturday morning competition again in Term Four.  This is a great way to get involved in a team sport and play with your friends.  The season is for eight weeks and is an excellent opportunity to try something new.  Please give your name to Mrs Milich if you are interested in playing.  Thank you to all the students from Years 2-6 who have already handed in their notes.


Star student certificates

At Assembly this week, the following students were presented with Star Student awards by their class teachers:

Prep – Tobias Hilsdon & Evie Pickford

Year One – George Malseed & Chelsea Pickford

Year Two – Olive Monk

Year Three – Alinta Margetts

Year Four – Emma Milne

Year Five – Reian Patel


Pride in uniform award

This week, Olive Monk from Year Two was presented with our Pride in Uniform Award.  She accepted her certificate, modelling immaculate wearing of her school uniform. 


Compass Award

Sophie Satchell from Year Five was presented with the Level One Compass Award.  She shared the various aspects of the challenge she completed in order to achieve this award.  The volunteering component was carried out at the Uniting Church Op Shop helping to sort the boxes that came in.  Her hobby was cooking, providing dinner for her family.  For the exploration part, Sophie visited the War Memorial in Canberra and discovered some interesting information about a relative on her grandmother’s side. Sophie also set herself a goal to win the discus event at the regional athletics carnival in order to progress to the state finals.  Sophie’s aim is a 20 metre throw.  We look forward to hearing from Sophie about her endeavours in the future.


Mrs Kelly would like to remind Year 5 and 6 students to work hard to complete their tasks and hand them in so we can hand out more badges at future assemblies.


Cup Challenge

Anyemah Clottey from Year Five showed off her cup stacking skills in our Assembly cup stack challenge. She completed the task in a very respectable 4.01 seconds. She showed great perseverance after the cups initially refused to play the game. Well done Anyemah.


Welcome to Brigita / Best wishes to Stephen

We would like to welcome Mrs Keiller to the Year Six and Year Three classrooms on Wednesdays and Thursdays for the remainder of term while Mr Nelson is on long service leave.  We wish him all the best as he takes this chance to have a well earned holiday, rest and recharge.  We look forward to his return in Term Four.


Bernadette Milich

Acting Head of Junior School