Parents and Friends

Parents and Friends Association

We are excited to be bring back our incredibly beneficial Christmas cake fundraiser. This is somewhat of a P&F tradition and it has been sorely missed over the past two lock down years!


The process begins on 14 September and the different steps – weighing, mixing, prepping, baking, and packing – take a full month. 


The mixing and preparation for baking is confirmed for the week of the 10th to the 14th of October between 9am and 12 noon each day, and the de-tinning and packing will be the same week but later in the day.


This is an excellent opportunity for parents to get together after a two-year hiatus and we welcome all parents, grandparents and College friends to join in, even for a short time, to have some fun and support this important initiative.  


If you can lend a hand, please click the following link:


Please select the days that you are available, and we will be in touch with more information when we have contact details.


As always, coffee and tea will be provided but please BYO apron and a sense of humour – this will help us to efficiently produce 500 cakes with ease! 


Thank you to the many people who have already approached us and shown excitement that the cakes are back in business.  We appreciate everyone’s time and support!!!


Amanda Nagorcka

President Parents and Friends