Year 5/6—Celebrating Learning

4/5/6 Mainstream

4/5/6 students in the Babajen have been writing and sharing recounts about their experiences this term. They’ve been practising balancing their recounts with action and description.



5/6 Steiner

Class Apparates Magical Performance


Now that we have returned from our Camp the students of 56S have organised rather smoothly and energised into their next Main Lesson. We have begun practising with our scripts and have worked out parts for the play, some even happy to avoid the intense pressure of stage presence for working behind the stage. All practising together to help read lines, the group have shown they can be the next main attraction at TPS this end of term three. Calling all magnificent performers to the stage, they swung into motion and began moving about in rehearsal for our show on Tuesday August13th at 6:00pm.


We expect wild, extraordinary narration, timed terrifically odd-looking characters, acting magnificently, performed to overtly observant audience members. In the meantime below are some images of the students practising the play.