Year 3/4–Celebrating Learning

3/4 Mainstream

In writing, 3/4 students have been learning about sentence structure and punctuation. We have been practising extending sentences using when, who what happened, where and why prompts. We have also been learning about the conjunctions but, so and because. 


In Maths, 3/4 students have been learning about formal and informal measurements, length, width, perimeter and area.



In Integrated students have been learning to understand the impact of First Contact through a rich exploration of ways to connect with Country. Students have practised deep listening to Country using their five senses, through a special Wayapa movement session with Aunty Lee and through connecting with stories shared by our local community.

Students have had the opportunity to respond through poems, drawings and songs.

Wolfie says - I’ve enjoyed learning about how Aboriginal people used to the stars to know what to do and used cool burning to make sure the fuel load was under control. 
Willa Lou says - It was really cool and really fun to learn about culture and what happened.
Willa Wren saysI think it’s really good because we are learning in different ways and we get to do a lot of different stuff that’s really fun! 
Galnya says - I like how we do the songs because it’s a message to Aboriginal people and it’s connected from the world.
Neinei says - I liked writing songs about connecting to Country.
Naia says - I enjoyed learning about the different cultures and I liked getting to work with different people. 

3 Steiner

The children of 3S have been busy writing information reports and creating artistic representations of their chosen shelter. By the end of term the classroom will be full of amazing creations, unless made of food. They’ll be readily eaten. 

So far we have seen a beautiful model and heard a wonderful talk about teepees.We were lucky to have been visited by Dr. Lola, expert in Northern American Indian traditional shelters. 

On that same afternoon, Chef Leo shared an igloo made out of marshmallows. Delicious. 

We’re looking forward to more presentations from visiting scholars in the weeks preceding the end of term. Thank you class three Steiner.


4 Steiner

4/5S has just started the Main Lesson The History and Art of Writing. This week we learnt about Cuneiform, a writing system developed by ancient Sumerians 5000 years ago. It is believed to be created for trading and supplied shipping manifests in clay tablets; though it was eventually used to record poetry and stories, like those of Gilgamesh.