School Council

Welcome new School Council members


The Thornbury Primary School Council is an official body representing parents and carers and teachers. The council consists of five parent representatives, two community co opted representatives two representatives of the Department of Education, and the Principal as Executive Officer. We would like to warmly welcome new members Jill Sparrow, Naomi Williams, Antoinette Vaiano and Stephanie Millar.


You can read more about school council here

Masterplan and Grounds Subcommittee

The Subcommittee are in the process of putting together a funding proposal for phase one of our masterplan works. This is a work in progress and we will be letting you know more about this via dedicated COMPASS updates, information in the foyer , dedicated Facebook page and via a stall at the up coming caregivers day BBQ. 

Recently Kat Theophanous MP invited Minister for Education The Hon. Natalie Hutchins to come and visit TPS to learn more about our amazing school and to talk further about realizing our masterplan goals.


Please let us know if you are interested in being involved in this important work for our school by emailing 

Principal Selection Process

Thank you for your continued support whilst the TPS Principal selection process is underway.  Please understand School Council members past and present as well as school representatives involved are bound by DET confidentiality though out this process. 


The process is undertaken in accordance with The Department of Educations selection procedures set out in relevant guidelines and Ministerial Order 1006 which can be accessed via the following link:

Contacting School Council

Correspondence for the School Council can be sent by

All relevant correspondence will be tabled at the next available meeting of the School Council.