
Kii from the Music Room!


Classroom Music

Our P-2 students have been having lots of fun making music!

They have been exploring Pitch (high and low) by making graphic notation and playing a two note song on the xylophone. They have been singing, moving with ribbons and scarves and playing instruments to explore Tempo (fast and slow) and Dynamics (loud and soft). The Grade 1/2s have been practising the musical words Presto (fast), Largo (slow), Forte (loud and Piano (soft).



The Preps have learned a rhyme about a quiet mouse that reminds us about loud and soft. Ask your child to teach it to you!


A quiet little mouse

Lives in a quiet house

When all was quiet as quiet can be….

Out popped he!


The Grade 1/2s learned a rhyme and movement game called Draw a Bucket of Water that gets the beat into our bodies. Ask your child to teach it to you!


Draw a bucket of water

For my only daughter

One hippopatumus

Two hippoptatamus

Three hippopatamus

Four potato pies


Put the first one under

Put the second one under

Put the third one under

Put the fourth one under


Four in the sugar bowl, hop hop hop!

Four in the sugar bowl, hop hop hop!

Four in the sugar bowl, hop hop hop!

Four in the sugar bowl, hop hop hop!


Now unwind, unwind, unwind and unwind.

Play It Your Way at Recess

Students have been coming into the music room to have a go at being musicians in their own time and space. These Sistas were a band for a recess!

Duet Program

I have continued to work with Milly and Jo on Tuesdays as part of the Duet Program. I have the joy of joining them and their classes for some music that models how these awesome teachers want to grow as musicians in their classrooms. Both Jo and Milly have been courageous and open hearted in their learning journeys and both of their classes have loved making music with them. What legends!

Here is Milly leading her class in the Popcorn Song…



To find out more about the Duet Program, follow this link:

Keep rockin’!

Erica Pringle