A Message from Chris

We are now well into the second half of another exciting term here at Thornbury PS. You will see from other items that the students have been involved in many events both in and out of the classroom that have positive learning and wellbeing outcomes for all. 


This week the school completed the fourth and final day of the School Review. A common theme that came through over the four days was the passion and dedication of the staff, the positive and engaged students and the supportive school community. I would like to extend a huge thank you to all the staff for the work they have put in through the review. 

The reviewer will now prepare his final report and from that the school will develop a new Strategic Plan to guide the school for the next four years.


I would like to welcome the four new members to School Council and thank them and the existing School Council members for all the work they do to support the school. See the separate School Council item for more information. We would like to warmly welcome new members Jill Sparrow, Naomi Williams, Antoinette Vaiano and Stephanie Millar.


Chris Burgess

Acting Principal

Dhumbadjeri Communication  

We would like to thank all of our parents/carers to spend the time each month reading our Dhumbadjeri.  The pages are a celebration of our learning and community events which we love sharing with our families.