Assistant Principal's Report 


We are very excited to celebrate our first Book Week at OPPS in Week 7. This year's theme for book week is 'Dreaming with eyes open...'.


We will have a book parade on Tuesday the 23rd of August where students can come dressed as their favourite book character. We will also be celebrating the Children's Book Council of Australia and the many titles that have won awards this year. Our parade will take place at 9am in the gym. Parents and families are most welcome to come and join in the celebrations of the parade and cheer on all of our students. 


For our dress-up parade, we ask all families to donate a new book that can be added to our classroom libraries. We will have a special sticker that we will stick to the inside cover of each book which will include the year and who donated the book. Any books donated will go to the Learning Community of the child that donated the book. We have asked our Library volunteer to be available this week to ensure we get these books catalogued, contacted and back into the classroom libraries as quickly as possible. 



In addition to our Book Week parade, on Monday the 5th of September, we have a company coming out to put on a show for all our students. Perform Education is a professional performance group that has developed a show that encompasses all of the CBCA shortlisted texts for 2022. 

Students will be immersed into the storytelling and interaction with the books featured from the CBCA 2022 shortlist woven into an engaging, original narrative filled with music, adventure and intrigue!

Please look at your Compass events for further details!



As you may be aware, when students at OPPS demonstrate our values of Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Safety, they can earn a 'Spark Buck'. Students save their bucks, and each Thursday, we open the Spark Buck Prize Shop, where students can purchase a prize of their choice. Our prizes range in value. One of our more expensive prizes (50 Spark Bucks) is a cooking class! 

Recently we had a group of students cash in their cooking class coupon. Together we made chocolate balls. Students loved working in groups to measure and mix the ingredients and enjoyed having their portion of the mixture to roll into chocolate balls. 



Just a reminder that we strongly encourage families to keep a spare change of clothes in your child's bag. Many of our outside play areas get incredibly wet during the winter period. In the event that someone accidently gets wet or muddy during playtime this ensures they will have dry clothes to change into and can be comfortable when returning to class for learning. As we do not have any spare clothing at the school, phone calls to parents will be made if a dry change of clothes is required.