Middle School Report

Thank you to all parents and students for making term 3 a great term!
There has been a lot happening this term. The yr 7 soccer girls are the very first ECSC team to make it into the state finals which is a huge accomplishment! The yr 7 boys soccer team also made regional but were unable to secure a place in the state finals. All students have represented the College well and we are very proud of their achievements.
Term 3 has been super busy with a range of activities running to keep students engaged and busy. Some include:
- Yr 7 boys vs Yr 8 boys soccer
- Token Trade In (cooking in the kitchen, gym access at lunch, watching a movie)
- Art Club
- Music Club
- Textiles Club
- Games Club
- Book Week
- Science Week
We have also been having weekly assemblies with a focus on ‘Respect All’. Students have been recognised through nominations from their classroom teachers for showing the school values in a range of subjects. We are impressed with the overall improvement in students' behaviour and willingness to follow and accept decisions being made by staff.
I would like to congratulate Declan Adams (7J) who recently flew to America to represent Australia in Inline Skating . Another student who has been achieving in sport outside school is Lorenzo Setu (7G) who was part of the Under 12’s Victorian NRL team competing in Wollongong. ECSC is proud of their achievements and wish them all the best with their future endeavours.
Firstly, thank you for the continuous support of the year 8 parents this term!
We have had a jam packed term with our Year 8 Soccer Team reaching Regionals this term and trying their absolute best! Well done to all those that were involved!
This term our focus has been on uniform and we have run a Uniform Homegroup competition. The homegroups have been competing against each other on who has the correct uniform daily, with their home group teachers keeping a tab. This has taught the students the benefit of teamwork, communication and trust building with each other. The winners will receive a whole homegroup reward chosen by them such as; movie of their choice in the theatre; slurpees; pizza lunch etc. It was great to see the students supporting each other to wear the correct uniform on the correct day! Overall, the uniform has been fantastic in year 8 and we look forward to seeing them in their summer uniform next term.
We also held a Reward Pancake Day on 10th August to celebrate the steady attendance rate of the Year 8’s this term. With the help of the lovely teaching staff, we were able to cook up a storm and serve the year 8’s pancakes for breakfast. There were content tummy’s all around!
This term the focus has been on the Year 9 electives. It has been great to see the students embrace learning in their electives and build on their skills and knowledge. The hard work of students in their electives was recognised during an assembly this term. The following students received recognition for their work:
Around the World in 80 bites: Ahmad Asri & Radi Al Ibraheem
Build A Business: Aryan Aujla
Partners in Crime: Anais Cadine, Alara Brown & Ida Deran
Creative Streaks: Arianne Bajada & Olivia Strkalj
Behind the Lens: Jacob Waas & Saeed Hirsi
Directors Cut: Sachpreet Singh
Level Up: Game Design & Development: Montather Alhalfeee & Baldeep Singh Gill
Extra! Extra!: Victoria Le
Laser Modelling & Construction: Michael Ismail
The Amazing Race: Reyanna Khalil
Español- Myths & Legends: Jenisha Bhattarai
Eye of the Designer: Divjot Kaur & Ellis Bankura
What a Novel Idea: Macarena Sorrenti
Science of Food: Sandra Al Baba Essa
The work below is a snap shot of the great work from our talented Year 9's!
The following students were also recognised for being the Top House point earners for Year 9:
- Justina Antony
- Heva Mohammad
- Bobby Lambevski
- Sanjana Boddu
- Ebony Lealamisa
The following students achieved 100% attendance so far for Term 3:
- Christopher Hayes
- Bella Hilario
- Awaan Pathan
- Alisha Sharma
- Tanishq Bhola
- Trung Nguyen
The lunch time sporting champions were also recognised for their participation in a home group activities at lunch time:
Term 1 Volleyball Champs are 9G: Mortada, Masen, Michael, Judd, Arush, Divine and Dereon
Term 2 Puzzle Champ: Ellis
Term 2 Futsal champs: Abdulmosen 9D, Adem 9I, Isaac 9E, Klint 9A, Haroon 9F.
Term 2 Badminton champs: Awaan and Manroop
Throughout this term the Year 9 homegroups have been participating in a volleyball round robin. The competition, team work and sportsmanship has been fantastic to see! The winners will play in the Grand Final on Thursday 15th September.
Yr 9 Cooking Program
Thank you to all the students who have helped prepare and package food for the Whittlesea Food Collective. This term our yr 9 students have prepared and donated over 240 meals for people in our community that suffer from Food Insecurity. Keep up the great work! Next term we will be making Fried Rice which was very popular in the community and became a favourite for clients of the food collective.