Careers and Pathways

Careers and Pathways Noticeboard - Google Classroom

This term we have launched a careers and pathways google classroom. This will be a place where we will share information with students about upcoming events such as expos, open days etc.  We will also share employment opportunities and resources for careers and pathways. 


Whittlesea Career Networking for Young People

On the 9th of June our year 11 students attended the Whittlesea Career Networking for Young People at Uni Hill.  The purpose of the event was to:

  • assist young people with their career networking and planning
  • provide support for school leavers looking for further, training and/or employment
  • raise awareness of pathway options and career choices 

Students met representatives from tertiary providers, including universities, TAFEs, RTO, Apprenticeship and Traineeship groups, local government, businesses and services. Congratulations to Adam Newman and Muhammad Qureshi who both won $30 gift cards for their engagement in the event. 



Head Start is the School-Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBATs) program that supports secondary school students to succeed while they study and work towards a career. This year a number of senior Edgars Creek Secondary students have already signed on with Head Start and successfully gained an SBAT.


Course Counselling 

Over term two and three our year 10's and 11's have had course counselling days. They have had the opportunity to individually meet with teachers to discuss their subjects with a big focus on pathway planning. 


Liam Ward - Leading Teacher for Careers and Pathways