Library Update

Book week 2022
22-26th August is Children’s book council of Australia (CBCA) Book week. This year the theme is ‘Dreaming with your eyes open’. This theme can be looked at a lot of different ways – thinking about looking into the sky and thinking about what you can see, dreaming about what you want to be when you finished school but this year we encouraged our year 7 students to think about it through the lens of Disney themes. We used Peter Pan has he has a magical imagination to promote our book week and dress up day – Friday 26th August. But students can also come dressed as their favourite book character. Thought out the week we are offering different activities from kahoots, mindfulness colouring in, author presentation and dress up day. More to come in the next newsletter.
Write 4 fun:
An outstanding outcome so far for Babaljot -9I who has received an ‘Achievement Award’ for her poem ‘The Reality’ which has taken her through to the second round of judging. Let’s hope we hear some more good news soon.
Donation of books from school community:
We have had a family Fabian – 7K donated a whole collection of ‘Diary of a wimpy kid’ to our school Library. They have all been processed and have been placed on the shelves to borrow. They are a hit with our students and most of these have already been borrowed all out. Thank you so much to Fabian and his family for the book donation.
'The Reality'
I took my pen to create my life.
It feels as though this is a lie.
The ink is out and so am I.
I made a face but left the eye.
Now I know why I can't see.
The people who broke and forgot about me.
I’ll make a new start and show them a glare.
Trust me this time, they can’t help a stare.
They don’t know what they didn’t get to see.
Well now they’ll see the real me.
Yo guys, let me tell you one thing.
This is the reality.
By Babaljot
What is happening in the Library?
The most popular books that have been borrowed out this term so far is Diary of a wimpy kid and Tokyo Ghoul collections.
With English classes coming into the Library for a session it’s great to see a high number of year 7 and 8’s returning and borrowing new books to read in their English classes.
Trish Bennett
College Librarian