School Wide Positive Behaviour

College wide School Wide Positive Behaviours
This term we have continued to focus on the key value of 'Respect All - Every Person and Every Space'. We have continued to explicitly teach this value and behaviour through Home Group, classes and through our assemblies. School Wide Positive Behaviours continues to embed throughout the college and is the framework upon which we develop a safe, calm and respectful learning environment.
Middle and Senior - Sub-School – Focus Term 3
- Respect All – Every Person and Every Space
- Uniform
- Punctuality – Re-Teaching routines around moving when the music starts and the bell means the start of class – Every Minute Counts
- Attendance – Every Day Counts
- Appropriate use of the inside and outside space
- Extra-Curricular activities – Such as House Events, excursions and lunchtime activities.
SWPB Focus – Term 3 – Respect All – ‘Every Person – Every Space’
- Week 1 to 3 – Respect All – ‘I respect myself and other people.’
- Week 4 to 5 – Respect All – ‘I will use all facilities appropriately taking care to leave them clean and tidy’.
- Week 6 to 8– Respect All – ‘I will use positive and inclusive language.’ – Right words - Right place
- Week 9 to 10 – Respect All – ‘I will follow directions given by staff in a timely manner.’
Positive Rewards and House Points
Congratulations to all our students who have continued to receive House Points this yearfor attendance, effort and demonstration our college values. Students continue to be recognised at our assemblies and through communication home via Compass.
Who will be the overall House Cup winner? I can let you all know that it is a close race, so continue to demonstrate our college values and earn those House Points.
Phil Adams
Middle School AP