Hi CHPS families,

CHAPS has had to reschedule our Colour Run for Wednesday December 1st, due to the weather looking a tad wet on Friday!  For us to continue to be able to do these fun events for our kids, we really rely on our awesome families with the fundraising aspect CHAPS has had to reschedule our Colour Run for Wednesday 1st December, due to the weather looking a tad wet on Friday!For us to continue to be able to do these fun events for our kids, we really rely on our awesome families with the fundraising aspect 😊

Paper sponsorship forms were sent home with each student last night, which can be returned with over-the-counter payments, either cash or EFT.   Alternatively, please click on the link below and follow the steps to set up your child's (or family team's) sponsorship page & share away with friends and family members.


We also have our Bunnings BBQ fundraiser on Saturday 4th December, and we are still in need of more volunteers! So if you can help, please click on the link below and pop your name down to help.

Lastly, we only have a few days left of our Gingerbread House fundraiser, so if you haven't yet, please go and order a Chocolate, Original or Gluten Free (or all 3!) house by clicking on this link  -

Thanks everyone 😊 We look forward to getting your kids as colourful and messy as possible.