What's Happening at CHPS.... 

Library News

Scholastic Bookclub

On Tuesday and yesterday I delivered a large number of Scholastic Bookclub orders to classrooms.  I believe that all orders have now been delivered, or, if you ticked the ‘Gift’ option, I have sent you an email to let you know that it is ready for collection from the school Office.  If you believe that you still have an outstanding order, please contact me at susan.offer@education.vic.gov.au.  It is very hard to keep track of, as the orders have been delivered to the school in four different deliveries.

Overdue Library Books

Thank you to those who have returned library books. There are still 65 books out to students, emails requesting payment will be sent from next week.  Some of these books may be returned with books from classrooms, which will begin to be returned shortly, however your child should have already checked their classroom library as requested.

If you pay for a book which is subsequently returned to the library in good condition within two years, the money that you paid is credited to your child’s school account.

Sue Offer  -  Library Technician

Children, School & COVID

....from First Aid Officer, Sophie Turnham


Parents, please help keep us all safe by ensuring that, if your child does not have an exemption, they leave home with a mask each morning.  A great idea is also to provide some spares in their schoolbag in case of breakages or loss.

Schools are not required to provide student masks and, while we are happy to do our bit to help, we are struggling to keep up with demand.

As usual, a reminder that if your child has any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Chills and sweats
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Runny nose
  • Loss or change in sense of smell or taste

Please keep them home.


Enrolment Application Forms for Outside School Hours Care 2022 and our December/January Vacation Care Program are now available and bookings are now open.  Please visit our website for program details and enrolment forms.

Food For Families

This year CHPS is again proud to partner with Uniting in their annual Food For Families drive, providing food and other essentials for families in need over the Christmas period.

We are asking families to donate non-perishable foodstuffs and personal care items (see attached suggested shopping list), which can be left in the boxes now sitting in the Office foyer.

The Food for Families Appeal is expected to experience significantly greater demand this year, due to COVID-related pressures for many families and we thank those CHPS families who will be able to respond in the true spirit of Christmas giving.