P & F Newsletter 

Hi St James families,

Tuesday 30th November- Wine & Cheese Break Up Meeting

Friday 3rd December – Fete Raffle Tickets Due Back


While it has been a bit of a crazy adjustment again from nothing to end of year/Christmas preparation chaos, we hope you are all enjoying this increasing normality while staying well and safe! We are thinking of those in our community who have needed to quarantine over these last few weeks and hope you can be back soon.



- Tuesday 30th November 

Please see below an invite to our 

The purpose of this meeting is to not only briefly discuss and celebrate what has been achieved in this difficult year but more importantly thank those who have helped along the way.

It is also a chance for us to get together and share our plans and your ideas to kickstart a hopefully great year for our community in 2022!

Please join the team leaders and Carmel and Dave in the Multipurpose Room on Tuesday 30th November at 7:30pm.

Please RSVP by Mon 29/11 for catering purposes. Thanks to those who have already done so.



Given the rough time we have all been through again this year we decided to delay our planning and preparations for 2022 until we had a little bit more certainty. Behind the scenes we have been booking some dates and seeking volunteers and now asking the whole community for your generous help. Given the announcements last week there is real hope that we can run our much loved and missed favourite family events and long-awaited parent nights next year, along with many other events that are part of our usual calendar.


This is where we need your help. Attached directly below is a listing of positions we have, many of which need filing for 2022. Each has a description of what is required of the role. Some are one off events and others involve small tasks to be undertaken across the year. 

You will notice names in green below each role are for those who have already signed up to that role. In red is how many more people are required. Please have a look and consider volunteering some of your time to assist us as we start our 3rd year as team leaders. Some roles are smaller than others and some are great to get a group of friends to work together with. For those considering signing up please know we have gathered a lot of helpful instructions and planning documents to assist. Between the two of us we have been quite involved in running most events, having spent 7-8 years (Kylie) and 5-6 years (Sheleigh) being quite heavily involved in many aspects of the P&F. As such we are always ready with tips or usually know where to direct you to find them!


Some changes have once again been made as to which grade levels have been assigned to be Champions for each event. Like last year we have some year levels who had volunteers who were well into planning for events that were cancelled and are keen to finish what they started!  We are very grateful for their support and help. Below is a list of classes and events:


Class Champions

Grade 1 P&F Champions- Father's Day breakfast

Grade 2 P&F Champions- Twilight Sports BBQ

Grade 3 P&F Champions- Major Fundraiser/Social Night

Grade 4 P&F Champions- Cinema Under the Stars

Grade 5 P&F Champions- School Disco

Grade 6 P&F Champions- Mum's and dad's Nights


We have decided that Prep families, being new to the school, will not be not directly assigned to any event as they get used to being part of our community and see how things run. But we encourage those in this year level, who have children attending Auskick, to be involved in coordinating or assisting at the Auskick BBQ which runs from April to August.


Many key roles have already been filled, but while we would love to see all roles filled quickly there are a couple of roles we would like to see filled as soon as possible!


Cinema Night (Grade 4) 

Our booking for 2020 is still there so we are very excited to run this very popular event early next year! It is a great night and a great way to welcome everyone back. Next year we will be focusing on it as a night where we can come together, socialise, have a bite to eat and enjoy a movie together. While we will seek sponsors for the event there will be no auctions or added games for the coordinators to factor in, and there is one team leader who has run the event before (albeit through a crazy storm!) who knows the ropes to assist you!


Morning Teas

This would be a great role for a group from the younger year levels who are just getting to know the school and community. Morning teas are run on a Monday or Friday morning for an hour at most, usually twice a term after school drop off.. They are run at school, involve basic preparation and run as a place for everyone to have a quick catch up and for anyone in the community to meet others from the whole school community in a familiar environment. They are usually held in conjunction with a second-hand uniform stall. Last year we only had one very generous volunteer sign up for this and it would be much better to have a team so that if one can't make it the others are still there. It's always more fun to work as a team too. It really is a great way to get to know the whole community.


Finally, here is the link to see the various roles for 2022 and to sign up!  volunteersignup.org/LPJ9D


If you were signed up this year and are happy to help again that would be great too! 

We would love your support in helping make 2022 a great year for our school community!

If you have any questions about the roles listed please contact Sheleigh or Kylie at pandf@sjvermont.catholic.edu.au



Thanks to the just over 100 families who have returned their raffle tickets for St John's Parish Fete Raffle! For the 140 or so families who have not returned their tickets please do so as soon as possible, particularly unsold books as they can be passed on to someone else.

All books sold or unsold are due back by Friday 3rd December. Please help so we don't have to chase too many up!

For those St James books that are returned by Thursday 2nd December there will be a bonus prize draw for a $50 voucher for Nero’s Takeaway.

Many thanks for your support of this important Parish fundraising effort!



A request for second-hand uniform donations has been sent out to stock our Prep Transition Day Second-Hand Uniform Stall and for the beginning of next year. Thanks for all the donations that have come in. Please keep sending into the office uniforms in good condition that can be sold at our second-hand uniform stalls.

Thanks to Nicole Spezza for once again coordinating this so efficiently. 



The school has advised that all volunteers must be fully vaccinated, and t is important that prior to volunteering, school leadership see your proof of vaccination. The easiest way to do this is if you do put your name down to volunteer, at the same time email copy of your vaccination certificate to the office at office@sjvermont.catholic.edu.au

Volunteers' lists need to be checked by office staff for Working With Children Checks (WWCC) and now Vaccination Certificates. Thank you for your assistance with this.




Just a reminder that every time you shop at Rebel Sport St James Vermont will be rewarded!

St James is involved in the "Rebel Community Givebacks". Under this program, our school earns 5% of your purchases simply by shopping at Rebel Sport!

All you need to do is link your Rebel Member Card to St James Primary School Vermont.  Each time you shop at any Rebel store present your Rebel card and if the school is linked we receive 5% of your sale.  Each month we receive a statement with credits which we can use to buy sporting equipment for the school and raffle prizes or auction items for our events..



We are also linked to the Bunraiser Bakers Delight Program @ Brentford Square. Simply advise our school name St James Vermont at Brentford square and we receive 5% of the sale.


Thanks as always for your continued support,


Kylie and Sheleigh

P&F Team Leaders