Greetings from Julie 


It was great to see all students returning to school on Wednesday! We were all so excited it was like the first day of school. Thank you to all the students who made cards to welcome me to the school. 


COVID Safe steps

Please keep students home from school if they have any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Chills or sweats
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Shortness of breath
  • Runny nose
  • Loss or change in sense of smell or taste.

Thank you all for playing your part in keeping everyone in our community safe. 



If you are considering enrolling your child in the school as a Prep in 2022, we would love to have you. School tours are running each Tuesday morning from 9am-10am. Bookings are essential, please call the school office on 9481 0009 or email at to book. You can also see a virtual tour and prep information booklet on the school website

Please note that the following dates have been changed: 

Ready Set Go! Program No. 1 Tuesday 30th November

Ready Set Go! Program No. 2 Tuesday 7th December

As always, you can also contact the school directly for more information about us.



Northcote Primary School is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. This will be the primary focus of our care and decision-making. Northcote Primary School has zero tolerance for child abuse and is committed to providing a child safe environment.



Marrung is a DET strategy to ensure that all Koorie Victorians achieve their learning aspirations.

Marrung is the Wemba Wemba word for the Murray Cypress pine tree, representing branches of education and knowledge. We thank the Wemba Wemba people for allowing the use of their language in the naming of this plan.

As part of this Plan, Northcote Primary School takes pride in sharing indigenous perspectives. On Monday, teachers were involved in a curriculum day helping them to become better informed about how to share indigenous perspectives, such as these important events at this time of year: 

  • October marks True spring: Poorneet or tadpole season by the Wurundjeri.
  • On 21 November 2004, Michael Long embarked an historic trek, walking from his home in the suburbs of Melbourne all the way to Parliament House in Canberra – more than 650 kilometres away. After returning home from yet another Aboriginal funeral, Michael decided that something needed to be done about the plight of his people. He took it upon himself to get Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues back on the national agenda and resolved to meet with Prime Minister John Howard to discuss his concerns… even if he had to walk all the way to Canberra to do it. Michael was joined on the road by Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal supporters from all over Australia. Some walked in support for an hour, some for a day and some took the journey all the way to Canberra. As the walkers passed through the Victorian countryside, local people came out to meet them, offering encouragement, support and assistance.


Take care and stay safe,

Julie Andrews

Acting Principal

Collaboration – Community - Respect