Thank you to the parents/carers within our school community who completed the survey to ask questions about YONDR or raise concerns about the program. Based on the feedback from this survey, we have put together answers to these FAQs. 

  1. How will my child purchase food from the canteen without their mobile phone? If they have previously used apply pay or an app linked to a bank account, students will now need to bring the physical key card with them to use. Alternatively, they can bring cash.
  2. What if my child uses their phone to monitor a medical condition? Based on particular students’ medical needs, and following a consultation with the Deputy Principal, these students will be given an exemption to use their mobile phone to monitor things like blood sugar levels.
  3. Will teachers be using the YONDR pouch? No. Staff will not be using the YONDR pouch. However, at times, staff may use phones in an appropriate educational manner eg. Marking rolls.
  4. What technology is used in the classroom instead of the mobile phone. The school’s policy has always been “mobile-phone free” during lessons and to support this the school invested significant funds into providing every single classroom with a class set of Chrome Books and interactive screens. We also have multiple computer labs that can be accessed by classes wanting to use desktop PCs.