School Events 

Well-being Day

To welcome back students to face-to-face learning this term, and to promote our student well-being hub. Each cohort had a pizza party! Students enjoyed some pizzas, a drink, some games and each other's company. Students received a pamphlet about our Well-being hub informing them of our school counselors and ways to make a self referral. Students can now make self-referrals through the Well-being hub, only our counselors have access to student self-referral information. Check out our Well-being hub:


Check out some shots of the Pizza Party!


Blacktown Youth Ambassador

Two of our students Nandika and Neha participated in the final selection round for the Youth Ambassador for Blacktown City Council 2022. Our students were required to present speeches to a selection committee at a formal dinner on the topic of 'building a sense of community in Blacktown's youth'.


Both students did a fantastic job, and should be commended for their efforts and how they presented themselves throughout the event.


Nandika was selected for one of two positions as Youth Ambassador 2022 and Neha has been invited to join the Youth Advisory Committee.


Congratulations Girls!