RE News

 How the Grinch Stole Christmas! – Dr Seuss


The Story:  The Grinch is a grouchy, selfish creature with a heart ‘two sizes too small’. As he goes about his solitary life in a cave on a mountain above the town of Whoville, he grows annoyed at the Whos’ joyful Christmas celebrations and decides to stop Christmas by disguising himself as Santa Claus and stealing all their presents and decorations.


The Magic:  The Grinch thought the Whos would be devastated to discover their Christmas had been stolen. However, he is confused to hear the Who’s singing a cheerful Christmas song instead. It dawns on him that ‘maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more’ than just presents and feasting. The Grinch returns to the village to give back all of the Whos’ things and join in their Christmas celebrations. The story reminds us that the first Christmas was celebrated in a stable in the company of strangers. We don’t need rich gifts or fancy parties to experience joy. Love alone can give us all that we need.


Upcoming Events

Our Thanksgiving Mass will be held on Wednesday 8th December at 11:00 am in the church. Please come along and celebrate the end of our school year with the students and teachers.